Jul 12, 2004 14:28
I am pumped.
I get to go see the Counting Crows tomorrow - for FREE. Motherfucker. That's freaking awesome. I may be going to see Heart next month for the same price, if I can sweet talk Ryan into pumping his aunt for some tickets. God love that kid. Cocky as all get out, but really would do anything for ya if you needed it. And he said he'd work on getting me some tickets - I've been annoying him every day about it, and I'm sure if I keep it up he'll hook me up sooner than later just to shut me up... But, yeah, I seriously can not WAIT for tomorrow. Wednesday morning is gonna come WAY too early, I can already see it. But I don't care. Because it will be worth it. Foshizzy.
I bought some cute shit from Old Navy today on my lunch. I love that freakin store. They have a lot of their summer stuff on sale right now for clearance and, um, it would be well worth your time and your money to head on down before everything gets snatched up. Gotta love the Old Navy plug.
This weekend was alright - Saturday afternoon SUCKED because it was SWAMPED because of the tournament; I barely got a chance to BREATHE for like the first 6 hours I was there. It was a MAD HOUSE. But, I made PHAT cash, and got a free tank top out of the deal that says "Marty's Bar" on the SIDE of my boob (yeah, great printing job, but whatever) so I guess I can't complain too much, and I was out by like 11:20 - which was good. Saw Hutch and Decker Saturday night - went down to the Stone with them for a bit. That was fun. Usually I don't really care fot the Stone, but there were a few people from school that I hadn't seen in a while that were there, so I did some catching up. It was nice.
Rented a couple movies last night - Club Dread, and My Little Eye. Only watched Club Dread. Hahahaha - funny movie. Stupid, but funny. It's like a Scary Movie type of thing. Pretty comical, if you like that sort of thing. Lucky for me, I do. I'm not sure how the other will fare, guess I'll find out after golf tonight... If anyone has seen it, let me know what ya think.
Still haven't had much luck on the apartment hunting, but I haven't been running myself ragged looking, either. Sooner or later something will pop up. I just wish it were sooner, sometimes. :)
So, overall this weekend was really nice, it just went too fast. But, this week should go by pretty fast, I'm hoping anyway, because I did NOT want to get up and come to work today AT all. Oh well. That's life.
I think it might be gettin close to that time again to hit Boobs up for the phat-ass chicken & rice... God DAMN it that stuff is good. And I want a dolewhip.