Jul 15, 2007 21:46
A lot has happened since I last posted. My, my, I have slacking off. Let's see, what has happened in the last almost year . . .
I made the ballroom dance company. I took nineteen credit hours of physics in two semesters. I danced lindy around campus in the homecoming parade. I wrote lots of essays and applied to lots of graduate schools. I created an honors portfolio. I danced in the cafeterias of elementary schools and ward cultural halls. I wrote and defended my honors thesis, without killing or driving insane my advisor. I danced in five competitions. I danced in the BDC's spring concert. I graduated with a medal and some latin beside my name. I moved home, packed up all my stuff, and moved sixteen hundred miles across country. I (with parental assistance) bought a condo. I started my first graduate course.
I call it a math review. I have been informed that is a misleading label, since though it is review for me, most people wouldn't consider it so. Ah well.
It has been a busy year.