Nursery Rhymes

Apr 04, 2009 00:18

Olivia Benson sat on the couch holding a beer in her right hand and an ice pack in her left which was held next to a bruised jaw. She sat there glaring at the amusing blue eyes of her girlfriend Alex Cabot who was trying so hard to keep a straight face.
"It's not funny, Alex!"
"On the contrary my love, I think it's rather hilarious." Alex then fell into full blown laughter. "I send you both to deliver a warrant and you end up being part of a three stooges show."
Olivia annoyed, thought back to earlier in the afternoon when some things don't always go as planned.

"Elliot, you got the warrant?"
"Yeah, you ready?"
"Do it!"  Elliot banged his large fist on the door three times. "JACOB WATERS! POLICE! OPEN THE DOOR OR WE'RE COMING IN!"

Hearing no answer, Elliot looked at Olivia. She nodded. Before the former marine could get into a stance, the door opened and a large white guy came hurling out. He ran towards Olivia thinking he could run through her, but wasn't counting on Elliot to gather his momentum right away and attempt to jump on him. Which in turn caused Waters to swing wildly and catch Olivia on the left side of her face. She immediately lost balance and ended up with both Elliot and Waters on top of her. Elliot managed to get off and pick up Waters.
"Liv, you ok?"
Olivia just laid there staring at the ceiling dazed replied "Yeaaaa...El. I'm fucking Peachy! Now if our suspect is restrained properly, could you help me the fuck up?!"

A trip to the ER later determined the brunette to sustain a pulled back muscle and a bruised jaw including desk duty for two weeks ordered by a Captain who found the situation rather humorous. Followed by a call from a frantic ADA, Olivia was on top of the world. Until the pain meds wore off and Elliot admitted to telling Alex what happened which brings her back to the present.

"Well, Liv. At least you weren't seriously hurt." Except your pride, Alex thought. She got up and went into the kitchen leaving Olivia to sulk on the couch. The sound of running water was heard. As soon as it was shut off, Alex walked back to the living room with a hot water bottle.
"Liv, sit up for me. Slowly." 
Doing as she was told, Olivia grunted in pain. Alex slipped the bottle behind her girlfriend in hopes that would ease the pain besides the meds. Alex went back to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water and two pain pills. "Drink these, you'll feel better. Now no more whining and pouting." Olivia relaxed against the couch and was about to doze off when she felt Alex's lips against hers. "I really was worried baby. But you're okay, and your going to stay off your feet and relax. I'll take care of you."
Alex sat next to Olivia and started rubbing Olivia's hair away frm her forehead in a soothing manner causing her to completely relax against her lover's touch. Until Alex started giggling again.
"Al, are you serious?" Olivia said with one eye open. Alex covered her mouth with her hand and said "Baby, I'm so sorry. I was thinking of a nursery rhyme."
"What rhyme would that be, Counselor?" Olivia said dripping with sarcasm.
"Liv and El went up the hill to fetch...ppffffff..wait a sec." Olivia was starting to tense again. "Ok, Ok. You'll think it's funny when i'm done. I promise. Liv and El went up the hill to fetch a perp named Waters." Olivia had already opened both eyes and was glaring at the blonde. "Liv fell down, and broke her crown and El came tumbling after." Alex was now in full blown laughter. Olivia started shaking her head wondering who she pissed off to endure such torture. Well at least the pills were kicking in. Alex sensed this, kissed Olivia on her forehead and got up from the couch.
"Yes love?"
"You're...." Olivia was about to pass out. Alex walked up to her. "Liv?"
"Al?" Olivia whispered.
"Yes sweetie. what is it?"
"You're an idiot." The only sound after was snoring from the detective. Alex stood there annoyed that her girlfriend got the last word in. Well, we'll see about that when you can't find your meds in the morning.

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