Rocky Road thru the alphabet (A$$H*LE)

Apr 06, 2009 01:30



Startled out of her daydream, Olivia almost fell out of her chair. "Dammit Al, what is it?"
"Don't what is it me, Olivia. You have been staring at the bar for the past 3 minutes! Is there someone there catching your attention? If so, I wouldn't want to keep you!"
Damn it! This was not suppose to happen tonight. How do I tell the woman I love what's been goin through my mind. SHIT! She's about to get up! "Alex! Wait!" Olivia pleaded.
The attorney sat back down and stared at her coworker's dark brown eyes. Please Liv, don't be like the others. Please say you thought you saw a perp, or an old colleague. Not someone who has taken your eyes away from me.

Tonight the detective and her ADA were having dinner at Bar American. It was suppose to be a romantic evening, in which our heroin detective will ask our beloved attorney to move their relationship to the next level. What Olivia doesn't know is that Alex feels the same way.

Olivia reached over the table and took Alex's hand in hers. "Alex I swear I wasn't looking at anyone." Alex looked back over at the bar and then brought her eyes back to the brunette's. Olivia could tell Alex was still a bit skeptical. "Alexandra. I swear on my badge, my gun and my life there is no one in the world that could ever take my eyes away from you." That worked. Alex squeezed Olivia's hand and just nodded her head for fear that Olivia might hear the oncoming sob in her voice. Alex took a couple of deep breaths and composed her self. "Why were you staring over at the bar for so long?" she asked. Olivia hesitated. "Because of that asshole sitting over there." Alex turned her head again and spotted an irish looking man with light reddish brown hair. She didn't notice him at first because she was looking at the bar in search of women, not men. "Why are you looking at him, Liv?" "Because Captain Asshole hasn't stopped looking at you since he walked out of the kitchen, and I'm about to get up and arrest his dumbass!" Alex couldn't hold back the smirk on her face. "On what grounds, Detective?" "For staring at my girlfriend like she was on the menu, those grounds! Damn it!" Oliva rushed out the words before the usually clever detective could catch them.
"Staring at your what?" Alex leaned closer across the table at the now blushing and bumbling detective.
"Um..Ummm..AH TO HELL IT WITH IT!" Olivia spoke loudly enough to catch the attention of patrons in the restaurant, the staff, and of course the gentleman sitting at the bar.
Olivia didn't care anymore. "Alexandra Cabot, I'm tired of not being able to define our relationship. I'm tired of mixed signals. I'm tired of either of us getting up in the middle of the night to go back to an empty apartment. I want to be an US! I want to be with you exclusively, and whole heartedly. I am in love with you and the reason I spaced out for so long was because I was thinking of so many way I can rip that.." Points to the guy at the bar. "Guy's eyes out for staring at..Yes! MY GIRLFRIEND!" Olivia stopped her rant and lookd at Alex. The blonde remained speechless and staring at the detective. Staring. Staring until her eyes started to tear up. Staring and realizing that this wonderful detective loved her. That this wonderful, beautiful detective wanted to be with her. Staring and becoming incredibly turned on that this wonderful, beautiful and incredibly sexy detective was willing to kick some guy's ass for just looking at her. Yup, dinner's over. Time for dessert!

The Blonde woke up from her daydream to see the nervous look in her soon to be bedmate's eyes. "God, I love you!" Alex jumped up from her chair, wrapped her arms around the brunette and kissed her with so much force, the chair almost fell over. They remained that way until a round of applause from the staff and patrons woke them from their moment. "Al, maybe we should get the check?" "Uhh..good idea." As they both looked up to signal the waiter, they heard a coughing sound. They both looked behind Alex to see that same gentleman from the bar. Olivia stood up."Can I help you?" she asked. Feeling pretty nervous, the guy responded. "Um no. You see..after what took place. I can't let you pay for your meal. Its on the house." Olivia looked at Alex and then back to the guy. "Who are you?" "I'm the guy that owns the place. The name is Bobby. Bobby Flay. And I was really touched by what you told your girlfriend." Olivia placed a possessive arm around Alex's waist.  "If I had a girlfriend like her, I'd never let her go." He shook both their hands and walked back towards the kitchen. Olivia looked at Alex and kissed her lips, then said "Believe me pal, I don't plan on it."
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