
Jul 06, 2006 13:57

Title: Geeks for Friends
Challenge: Crossing Over
Flavor: SVU
Words: 100
Notes: You'll either get this one or you won't, but I couldn't help doing a cross over with my other favorite fandom :)

Walking back to the precinct from lunch, Olivia observed the four men standing at the hotdog vendor. If she hadn't known one of them, she would have wondered exactly what this motley crew was up to. But as it was, Olivia acknowledged the person among them with whom she worked everyday with a smile, a tilt of her head, and a "Hey, John."

And though she continued to walk away, she still heard the conversation that took place in her wake:

"You *know* her?!?"

"She's one of the detectives in my squad, my diminutive friend."

"She's HOT!"

"Settle down, Frohike."



Other condenders for the last line that I considered rather than 'settle down':
"In your dreams"
"Not a chance"
"You wish"
"Pipe down"
"Back off"
"Astute one, aren’t you?"
"You’re not exactly her type"
"She could kick your ass"

But I went with "Settle down" because it echoes what Mulder said when Frohike called Scully "hot" and I liked the homage. *shrug*

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