For the remainder

Jul 06, 2006 12:06

Title: Morning After
Rating: PG13 for language
Word Count: 229 (Hey it's a remainder period so we get 230 according to the userinfo page)
Pairing: John/Casey
Summary: I don't think it needs on just see the title

John started to slowly emerge from a state of drunken slumber, toward a state of near consciousness and ensuing hangover, when he noticed Casey’s naked sleepy form snuggled up to him. He smiled to himself despite his headache, dry mouth and the revolt occurring in his stomach. He started playing back the events of the previous evening in his mind to the best of his recollection, but when it got to the two of them getting down to business, he found he couldn’t remember one very important step. He played the same few moments over and over in his mind.

“Shit,” John said and sat up in bed dislodging Casey from her place on his shoulder. He twisted so he could see the wastepaper basket he kept near his bed. “Fuck!”

“What’s wrong John?” a sleepy and concerned Casey asked.

“I was too drunk last night, or maybe I wasn’t drunk enough,” he answered.

“What?” she asked obviously confused.

John swung his legs around so he could sit up on the side of the bed and Casey crawled up beside him. He picked up the basket and showed it to her.

“No used condom, no condom wrapper,” he said, like a judge pronouncing a sentence.

“Oh,” she said as it dawned on her what he meant.

“Yeah,” he answered, then he saw her smile.


She shrugged her shoulders.

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