[FIC] Mysterious Mix-up (oneshot)

Jul 15, 2010 14:23

Title: Mysterious Mix-up
Author: mi_iseul
Genre: angst/fluff (inorite? I rarely write fluff LOL)
Rating: G
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi

Summary: When Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun break up, will they ever get back together?

A/N: For evaporate since today is her birthday and she likes happy endings. *grins* <333333 I hope you like it, hon. <3 (inspired by an episode of Beyond Reality: Fact or Fiction tho I've taken quite a few liberties with the story they presented LOL)

Zhou Mi shoved a few more clothes into the bag, then zipped it up and shoved it at Kyuhyun, a blank expression on his face.

"Can't we talk about this?" Kyuhyun asked softly, his eyes searching his boyfriend's face desperately for some hint that he'd reconsider. "I don't know what I've done but please...I don't want to leave like this..."

"No," Zhou Mi sighed unhappily, shaking his head. "You wouldn't. That's why you have to leave. I can't keep doing this...."

His hands on Kyuhyun's shoulders, he turned the younger man around and pushed him gently in the direction of the door. "You can come get the rest of your things tomorrow....when I'm not here.." he added, proud of the fact that his voice didn't break. "We're over..."

Kyuhyun's face became just as blank as Zhou Mi's as he slowly walked to the door then stopped with his hand on the doorknob, looking back at his now ex-boyfriend. Zhou Mi had turned around so he couldn't see his face, though he could see the reflection in the glass of the french doors opposite and it stung. Rather than the tears he expected to see, Zhou Mi's face was impassive, his eyes dark with sadness and resignation.

So much for that then. Kyuhyun sighed and disappeared off into the daylight, heading for his friend's place. Ryeowook and Yesung would let him stay there while he worked out what he was going to do now that he was no longer with Zhou Mi, the man he'd been dating and was in love with for the past 3 years.

As soon as Kyuhyun left, Zhou Mi broke down into tears, hugging himself with the grief and anguish of losing the one he'd thought was the love of his life. Had he made a mistake in making Kyuhyun leave? He wasn't so sure now but his pride wouldn't let him call the younger man back.

He'd tried his best to make Kyuhyun understand that he couldn't keep staying out all hours without telling him where he was or letting him know whether he was ok or not, and that he had to stop ignoring Zhou Mi when he needed him the most. If he didn't even understand this, what hope was there?


The next day, Kyuhyun returned to the now-empty house, his eyes red-rimmed and puffy from a night spent crying. Somehow unsurprised to see that Zhou Mi had been true to his word, nowhere to be found so that Kyuhyun could get his things with the least amount of hassle, Kyuhyun was surprised to see a card and a photograph on the counter, picking the items up in curiosity.

The card read:

I'm sorry but I just couldn't let things go on any longer, Kuixian. Maybe you can find someone who will let you do the things you want, but that person won't be me. Goodbye and I wish you a happy life...

Kyuhyun remained strong until he saw the photograph, a relic of their more happier times as a couple. The photograph was of him, sitting on Zhou Mi's lap with a goofy grin on his face, Zhou Mi looking a bit exasperated at his dorkiness. It had been after one of their class performances, their emotions high at the successful conclusion to what had been a stressful period for them. The young man put the photograph in his pocket, tears running down his face as he began to pack up his things, wiping away the tears just as his friends knocked on the door to come help him move.

"Are you ok?" Ryeowook asked anxiously, noticing the hunched shoulders that told him something was wrong. Neither he nor Yesung had missed the quiet tears and their hearts went out to their friends, but they couldn't interfere. This was something they had to work out on their own.

Nodding as he turned around, a sad smile on his face, Kyuhyun's eyes were tear-free. "I'll be fine," he whispered hoarsely, squaring his shoulders. He'd be fine...he had to be.

They finished packing and left a few hours later, Kyuhyun taking the card and photograph with him. It would be a reminder of what he'd foolishly lost by putting his own wants above those of his boyfriend's.


Zhou Mi moved out of the house a few months later, the memories too much to bear. Rather than living in the suburbs, he moved into an apartment in the city, closer to where he worked. It wasn't much but he had to make a fresh start somewhere and he couldn't bear to leave the city his....Kyuhyun had loved so much.

"Come on, man...." Sungmin pouted, hanging over the edge of the kitchen counter and making faces at Zhou Mi as he sat typing away at his laptop. "You haven't been out in ages. There's this new bar that's opened up and I've heard it's really good. Live music and everything!"

Shaking his head, Zhou Mi's eyes were on the lyrics he was writing, full of happiness and sunshine, a direct counterpoint to the ache in his heart. He'd been hoping that by writing happy songs, he'd make himself happy but it wasn't working.

"No thanks," he said finally when Sungmin kept pushing at him, looking up from the work he'd just saved. "I just...can't. It's too soon."

Sungmin shook his head and pushed off the counter. "It's been 6 months, Mimi. You have to get over him sometime..." he argued, standing with his arms crossed in annoyance. "I could introduce you to all sorts of people you'd like. All you have to do is cooperate..."

"Look, I appreciate the effort, Sungmin, but it's just not something I can get over just like that," Zhou Mi replied, his eyes clouding with pain. "He was the love of my life and it's just not that easy to forget about him. I don't know if I ever will..."

"Tch," Sungmin snorted, shaking his head. "So while he's out there somewhere, living it up, you're making yourself a hermit. Great. My room-mate's an idiot..though what else is new?"

"Let me know if you change your mind," he added. "I'm going clubbing. Don't wait up..."

Waving a distracted hand, Zhou Mi went back to his work. Maybe he should go back to school, get another degree and distract himself that way? This wasn't working at all and he had to forget Kyuhyun somehow.


Between work and school, Zhou Mi was busier than ever. It was now nearly a year later and even clubbing with Sungmin didn't help ease the heartache. He just couldn't stop thinking about Kyuhyun, wondering where he was now, how he was doing. Growling in frustration as his laptop overheated for what had to be the millionth time, Zhou Mi sighed. He'd have to take it in to Student Services and get them to look at it. He needed it to work; it held all his lyrics and class work on it.

Taking it in the next day, Zhou Mi was surprised when he got a call a few days later that it was ready for him to pick up. Setting it on the kitchen counter once he'd gotten home, he began to boot it up, going to get a glass of water while he waited. The screen came up with an image, one that startled Mi into dropping the glass as soon as he saw it, the glass shattering much like his heart had done.

Just where had this image come from? He hadn't saved it on his laptop, ever, and seeing it again after all this time brought tears to his eyes that would have fallen if Sungmin hadn't come in that moment and nearly stepped on the broken glass.

"Hey, what's going on here?" he asked, looking nervously between Zhou Mi's white face, the laptop screen, and the broken glass. "You look like you've seen a ghost or something..."

"No, no...." Zhou Mi started at Sungmin's voice and turned around, blinking the tears away. "I'm fine. Look, something's gone wrong and I have to take my laptop back. Can you....clean this up for me?" He waved at the broken glass apologetically. "I'll be back as soon as I can get this sorted out..."

Sungmin shook his head and chuckled. "Go on, get out of here, idiot. Go do what you have to do..." he said, grabbing the broom and dustpan from the utility cupboard under the stairs and sweeping up the glass. "I'll see you later..."

He looked around thoughtfully at the empty apartment. "Or not..." he chuckled. Whatever had happened, he hoped it would help Zhou Mi's broken heart.


Standing at the Student Services counter, Zhou Mi was desperate.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the girl said apologetically, checking the work requests against the details of the laptop. "It seems we've accidentally given your laptop to someone else, and given his to you...."

"Please, can you tell me where he lives?" Zhou Mi asked, clutching at the edge of the counter with white fingers. He had to know where Kyuhyun was living now. He had to be somewhere close if he was somehow attending the same university. "I need to know!"

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you that," the girl replied, shaking her head. "I could get fired and kicked out. It's against policy...." She looked thoughtful. "But you could leave this here and when he brings your laptop back, we'll let you know and you can come pick it up..."

"No, that's not good enough!" Zhou Mi said desperately. "I need to know where he is, if he's ok. You see..." He stopped for a moment to catch his breath and get hold of himself. "He is the love of my life and I have to see him again....Please..."

"I still love him...." He trailed off, whirling in shock as a voice was heard from behind him.

"And I still love you too, Mimi..."

Nearly jumping out of his skin, Zhou Mi dropped his bag and ran to where Kyuhyun stood a few metres away and hugged the other man, holding onto him for dear life.

"Kuixian, I'm so sorry," he said quietly, kissing the younger man passionately and thrilled when Kyuhyun's arms went around him, pulling him closer. "I shouldn't have made you leave...I love you..."

"I'm sorry too," Kyuhyun replied, nuzzling Zhou Mi's shoulder. "I shouldn't have been such a jerk, only thinking about myself and what I wanted. I...love you...and need you..."

"I'll say," Zhou Mi said, wiping his eyes as he looked at Kyuhyun critically. "You've lost weight. You need to eat more..."

Kyuhyun chuckled, his own eyes suspiciously wet for a moment.

"Might wanna look at yourself in a mirror," he teased, giving Zhou Mi a light shove. "An errant wind might just blow you away and I'd have to find another boyfriend..."

He sobered, looking at Zhou Mi hopefully. "Please...can we start again?" he asked, his voice soft and hesitant. "I can't promise not to be a jerk again, but I will try harder to make you happy....and not leave you out of things..."

Grabbing his laptop from the counter, he handed Mi an expensive looking laptop case. "Here's your laptop," he added, giving the girl at the counter a wink. "You have no idea how cheesy your lyrics are, do you?"

Arguing playfully as they left the Student Services office, the girl smiled at them and then picked up the phone, dialing a number.

"Sungmin?" she said, her eyes crinkling with amusement. "It worked. They're back together now..."

Back at the apartment, Sungmin grinned. "I guess this means I'll be looking for a new room-mate," he chuckled ruefully. "But at least he's happy now..."

As Sungmin chatted with the girl, Zhou Mi and Kyuhyun sat outside at one of the many small bar/restaurants that lined the university quad, stealing kisses from each other and grinning like idiots. It had been a long time in coming but they were together again and nothing could stop them now.

Sorry for the lame-ass ending but...yeah. Couldn't resist. Hehehehe <333 Happy birthday, Charlotte. <3

friends are love, genre: angst, birthdays, character: zhou mi, pairing: qmi, character: kyuhyun, oneshot, genre: fluff

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