[SPECIAL] Zhou Mi support and birthday project

Mar 09, 2010 03:19

Zhou Mi support/birthday project


DEADLINE: April 10, 2010

EDIT: The email to send everything to (upload links to your video/voice mssage and any photos you want us to post for him) is zhoumi[dot]project[@]gmail[dot]com . It would help to have 'Zhou Mi Project' in the subject line so I know what it's about and can keep track of things easier. Thanks again for your support. Zhou Mi means a lot to so many of us and he needs to hear it. FROM US.

*Thanks to Yeonah for making the awesomest banner ever, and thanks to liederkreis for the original idea on Zhou Mi's Baidu bar. <3

Please support SJ-World's project too!

Thank you for all your support for both this project and for SJ-World's project. <3333333

!special: zhou mi project

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