random I guess?

Oct 31, 2009 14:13

My phone just randomly decided to be a bitch and switch itself off and not come back on again until we took the battery out and put it back in again. Not happy.

Found hearing aid batteries in the pouch that are not rebranded, so will try those first to see if they last longer than the other ones, otherwise it's back up to work out what's going on.

Watching my kettle de-scale is SUPER COOL. *science geek* Chibi and I were watching the de-scaling solution eat the lime scale away and commenting on chemical solutions. <3

Chibi's going as Vampire Sora from Kingdom Hearts Halloweentown (?) and I'm going as a zombie. He says I'm too embarrassing to be seen with and doesn't want me to go at all. LOL

Won't be on til a bit later tho - we're going to Dublin to get more canned kimchi because I ran out today and had a hissy fit. (yes, I do have them too...it's not exclusive to the males of the household *wry smile*) He is also going to order me some freeze-dried kimchi from Korea. Yay. <3 (I also had a hissy fit because the bacon pieces I bought for my pork buta were too big and I had to cut them up myself. I have serious issues with raw meat and despite my tears and gagging/flailing and everything else, I still had to do it. >.<)

(the coffee STILL tastes like dead leaves. WTF Nescafe! I want Kenco next time. *grumbles*)

Hubby's told me what he's getting me for Christmas and I just went 'bwuh? why?'. I do not need another bloody phone. I just bought this one, for pete's sake! *headdesks* He wouldn't accept 'nothing' as an acceptable present to give me. >.< He is getting cooking implements. Tired of hearing him bitch because he broke the spoon/potato masher/knife/whatever he's broken at any given time. Last year I got him pots and pans and he loves them to bits. He is so weird.

Was thinking of getting my hair cut but now...I'm not so sure. *wimps out*

The higher quality version of Heechul's solo would come out after I just spent all day yesterday trying to get KyuPod to update. *sighs*


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