Oct 19, 2009 20:49

ㅁㅣ ㅇㅣ슬 (mi iseul) (yay I got the Hangul to work on this stupid thing. *swats Donghae-puter*)

I'm changingI've changed my username here, so this is the heads-up not to freak out when you see a weird name in your f-lists. *sheepish* Thanks to Natalie and Annelie for your help in picking it out. *grins* (yay facebook apps...)

In other news - Hankyung-puter is supposedly fixed and ready for reinstalling but he hasn't given it back so I'm still laptop-less and relying on the netbook. Which has issues with things being plugged into it while it's rebooting. *frowns* Car goes in tomorrow (theoretically...) to have the steering issues looked at. -.- Not a happy camper.

Random - I sorted out my jelly beans. Yay? Yay.

random, name change

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