Fluff project special post

Nov 18, 2015 21:18

So, I'm a bit crazy, but whatever. I've just gotten permission from the lady who is running this (her name is Kristy) to do something like that here. (well, it's just me, but still...)

But I thought since a lot of you are American, and some are sewing peeps, you might want to participate as well. I got the button and link from Kristy's site to post here so anyone who wants to take part, can.

Here's the button. Click to go to her page about the Fluff Project.

Here's the explanation, in my words:

It's for children in foster care in the Tennesee area, from babies right up to age 18. Since my cousins were adopted, I know how important it is for children to have something of their own, to play with and to comfort them. So I wanted to do something like this as well, since I was going to use her patterns to make toys for some friends who just had babies anyway. It's a way to give back, both for being able to use her patterns and on behalf of my cousins. (even if we're Canadians, it still counts, to me...) So far, they have sent over 1,200 toys to children in the foster care system. How awesome is that? :D

What I am doing though, is making them to give to the Hôpital Maternité in Luxembourg and to the Mütterhaus in Trier, on behalf of the Fluff Project. I got permission from Kristy to do so. I'm also sending some to her for the main project as well, just because.

The ones I am making are Starla and Whaley from her free patterns. (so if anyone wants to make those too...) But she's fine with getting store-bought toys as well, as long as they are new and unused.

So if anyone wants to do this too, you're welcome to.

Thanks for reading.


fluff project, sewing

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