it's kinda hard to type with a band aid on my thumb tip but i got tired of things jabbing into the split on the top of it(chin stubble, Higgin's claw, the split is about an eigth inch long but it must have a bullseye on it). i always get these in winter from the dry air and washing my hands a million times a day. i try to limit it by things such as filling the stove and then washing my hands to put my contacts in since they already need to be washed because they have coal on them. then i walk back into my room and dignan has peed on the floor and i have to clean that up and wash my hands again anyway, even though i use a paper towel and am pretty sure no actual urine got on my hands. urine on my hands doesn't particularly bother me, it's the thought of leaving little molecules of urine on everything i touch next...comic books, dvd cases, whatever. I try to make my hands better by using lotion on them, but i don't want that residue on my stuff any more than urine so i will only use it while i'm sleeping and i
usually forget to put it on.
i started condensing and moving stuff in the corner of my room to accomodate the bookshelves and model train platform i am going to build. i don't have to get rid of much, i think i'm only going to lose use of a coffee table and a small window...but i am going to gain two things: the primary objective of having space for the lego train layout and town, but ALSO underneath is starting to look almost as good...7 or 8 4foot long shelves for books, the other cabinet that now holds my records and larger books and artwork is still going to hold the records at the bottom, but i'm putting my old computer in the shelf over them. it's from 1997, and the modem and cd drive are screwed but it's got tons of my old pictures and MP3s and thousands of videogames on emulator. so all this is going to be under the platform, between the 2 bookshelves and with a light and a curtain across the front, i suddenly have a cave in my room since there can't be a treehouse in it. with all those books, MP3s nand vid games I could stay in there for months if someone would bring my food and empty my bedpan. I know what you're thinking..."Hey that's stupid, sounds like a pillow fort i had in my room when i was a little kid." but really it's much better because as an adult i can do a much better job of it.
It's like with legos, i loved them when i was a kid but i couldn't build anything like what i can now. Even the space i had under my bed when i jacked it up onto cinder blocks 10 years ago wasn't nearly as good as this will be. I can draw better than when i was a kid, too. Not great, but a lot better than before. I wonder if i actually might be able to play some sports i really sucked at, maybe not, my skateboarding never improved much. I guess you may say "Aren't you a little old for Legos??" Obviously i'm not old ENOUGH cause i'll have even more legos and experience when i'm older so i can build something that bwill really kick ass.
I told Ben recently i do love video games but not as much as i think other people think i do...because i rarely nplay for more than 2 hours in a day and i don't keep up with the new ones being released, but then i realized i do play one for at least 15 minutes just about every day and 1 of my ferrets and both of my cats are named for videogame characters (Dr. Mario Super Nintendo, "Milon" Milonious Cronious Hasselhoff, and Master Higgins). The other ferrets are named Lego Bear and Dignan Nutcracker Hasselhoff. Dignan's name is the most fitting as far as personality because he is a Dignan with schemes and plans and fun in mind and he was leader until the other ferrets surpassed him in health and size. He's a Hasselhoff in that whatever he does, he's successful and loved and one of a kind. Nutcracker was his name form the original owner that xJamieX got him from and that seems fitting, too.
My Name Is Earl, The Office, Scrubs, and 30 Rock are the first tv shows since old seasons of smallville that i can sit and look directly at and watch and not just listen to while playing video games or sewing or building legos and not feel like i'm totally wasting my time. Thursday night is the only time i go out of my way to watch TV, although i do usually catch How I Met Your Mother and Law and Order SVU. There are a handful of other shows i like but if i'm reading they're totally expendable. Now I'm going to watch Young And The Restless while i'm eating my lunch and cleaning my room. It's the perfect example of a show i like but would never sit still to watch except for a few nminutes when eva longoria, sharon case, or the woman that plays Lauren was looking especially hot .
this was the best match i found to go with this pic, Lego i standing behind Scrappy, Dignan is next to her. Scrappy is talking mainly to Lego, but can't take her eyes of Dignan...
Scrappy: Your name is Lego, isn't it?
Dignan: Yeah his name is Lego. My name is Dignan.
Scrappy: I'm Scrappy, Elizabeth's sorority sister.
Lego: I didn't know she had a sister.
Scrappy: Oh my God, you have the best sense of humor. She is going to be so jealous I saw you here. So you go to school in Arizona, right?
Lego: No I was in the hospital.
Scrappy: Oh, what for?
Lego: I went nuts.
Dignan: He's kidding. He's kidding. He didn't go nuts.
Scrappy: You poor thing. How did it happen?
Lego: Do you really one to know?
Scrappy: Yes, I really do
Lego: Okay, one morning over at Elizabeth's beach house, she asked me if I'd rather go water-skiing or lay-out. And I realized that not only did
I not want to answer that question, but I never wanted to answer another water sports question or see any of these people again for the rest of
my life. Three days later I was on my way out to the desert. And that was that.