Rah, legos, guys, its fun, really. it's one of those days when i don't want to take time out from what i'm doing to eat or piss. the dog and the cat are competing for attention and scrappy has gotten me up three times, once to take her outside(she was totally faking having to shit) and twice to retrieve her ball from underneath furniture that she gets it stuck under. she also like to chase milon so he goes even more apeshit than ever and jumps from desk to chair to table with papers and hair flying everywhere. as soon as i'm done this i'm going to eat a veggie burger and drink rocket fuel. i'm cropping some photos for this entry but i also have tons more piling up in temp folders that i wanted to sort and edit weeks ago. i'm also sorting through boxes of recently purchased legos and building some arcade machines in minifig scale. Variations to the rebel base on planet Hoth will have to wait til thursday. I've figured out the roof and sides and how the millenium falcon can perch on top of it, now i just have to piece everything together and do a ton of decorations on the inside so it's not just a big mass of bricks. it wouldn't surprise me to spend another 20 hours on it over the next several weeks. I told lucas you can't have a job and build some of the humongous shit i've seen online but maybe it is possible if legos were your one and only hobby and all you did was work and sleep a tiny bit and build legos. i have infinite hobbies.
i've got a new project on my mind, a batterring ram to roll over lucas comprised entirely of legos, no...i would never get all that blood on perfectly good legos, it's really a way to squeeze a lego train layout into my bedroom in the house. It consists of building two 4' by 4' bookcases that would serve as legs at the end of platform about 72" by 48". I still have tot take some final measurements but i think will be large enough for 2 train tracks, 20 large baseplates of roads and buildings, and a lake with a few rowboats in the middle of the inner train track. Underneath will be a batcave housing my old computer, a ton of books*, and another shelf on wheels with my records and files.
I'm going to need to rearrange a little but i think it will work without taking out to much useable space. I might buy shelves if i see some decent ones that are cheap and about the right size but i think custom made ones will be better so i can size them specifically for mass market, trade paper, and hardback books. i don't think they'll take long to make and the wood should be around 50-80 bucks. i'll probably wait for the weather to get better and do it all outside, if i build it before i think it through another week or two i'm sure i'll have a better idea later. Still, i can envision it all set up in my head and it's begging to be done ASAP.
F-Zero car with detachable battle and office sections. I built this one about 2 years ago but i really like the color scheme and flatness of the small ship:
When Sportacus needs to travel a bit faster than his pedal-powered blimp can take him he does a triple backflip into the cockpit of his Sportaship.
waving to stephanie...this was about as close to sportacus' face as i could get without a custom paint job.
more pics of each below the cut
the wings on the side extend
push-ups before the race to keep in shape, or maybe he's making sure robbie didn't tamper with something underneath
snaps apart into three sections that can be joined in multiple ways, here the front and rear are connected using the bulky part of the wings
*I've been reading about 2 novels a week but i still have a pretty decent supply of unread books left and ones i packed up after reading the first time. Right now i'm reading an ayn rand book, The Fountainhead. A few pages into it i was already grateful it was a lot of pages so there'd be plenty of time to learn of the character's experience. I'm not good at explaining why a book or a song is awesome** but i'll try...
I guess i'll just say this book deals with the twisted and complex motives of individual people and how they are affected by the masses and trends. It can be a bit depressing, but only because some of the pathetic situations and people ring so true and there's not much letup on the "good" guy. Even the woman who loves him can't stand beside him very often because she can't bear to watch him fight the world and lose and she can see no other outcome. Unlike her other book i read, set in some kind of 1984-ish nightmare future, this one is set in the 1930's or so, in the society i suppose she percieved.
**it's easier to explain why a book or song SUCKS***: that honky tonk budonka donk song- Ben mentioned how stupid that song was when he was up here 2 weeks ago and it reignited a fire that i feel everytime i hear that SHIT. i believe i said something like "I hate that song, i've almost written a livejournal entry about that so many times" Well, here is that entry:
"Got it going on like Donkey Kong" ???? What the hell kind of stupid ass line is that?? If your band is already rich and succesful it should be no problem to leave that rubbish on the cutting room floor. Was this whole song dictated by "well, as long as it rhymes"? the donkey kong line is 20 times more asinine that rhyming honkey tonk with buddonka donk...
at the studio?
A-Hole: "nothing rhymes with honkey tonk, dammit!!! that would be such a good generic catchy word to use in our latest country song"
D-Bag: "yeah, cause drinking and bars are cool, but drinking is even cooler with the connotation that it's a hillbilly bar, a honky tonk...we really gotta use honky tonk...how about buddonka donk"
A-Hole: "what the fuck is buddonka donk???"
D-Bag: "i heard it on the WB or jerry springer or something..."
but back to the donkey thing.... WHAT??? that reference makes no damn sense. who sees a girl with a nice ass and says "man she got it going on like donkey kong!" I love video games and that would never cross my mind... I wouldn't even see some hottie and say "She's got it going on like Princess Peach!"
but who cares, right, the song still is popular as shit cause it mentions a honkey tonk and people just recognize the name donkey kong from the eighties. Whoever wrote the song does know their market, you gotta give em that. Maybe they wrote it just to show how damn lame and undiscerning the public is. "Fuck you public! Here's song for you crackers that makes no sense now pay me, pay me, pay me, cause you're so stupid you'll play it twice an hour on the radio stations." There are so many country songs so damn lame that it sounds like a parody to make fun of honkies drunk of their ass at the tonk.
you know who might have an ass like donkey kong?? some fat hairy middle aged man and i know that wasn't their intention because being gay is illegal in country music. Your record sales would drop like you was a Dixie Chick and you'd probably get actually shot, not just the death threats. they were already pushing the envelope by using slang for ass, but it did rhyme so it was judged OK by the people who ever realized the word wasn't made up just for that particular song. i can almost see some drunk asshole at the honky tonk arguing..."NO, MAN, that ain't no negro word, that word was created by HONKIES for HONKIES....white power!"
i further contend that the actual attractive "honkey tonk buddonka donk" is an extreme rarity. A voluptuous, full figured woman is attractive and unappreciated in america, no doubt, but that isn't what you will find at a bar often, much less a honkey tonk. No, i say if the ass in the honkey tonk is big, it's because the woman drinks in a bar every night and if it looks remotely good its only because the jeans are tight enough to hold it into a pleasing form or any form at all. Now one of the other country artists needs to do a song about redneck men and their beer bellies...i can guarentee it would be a hit. i'll even contribute a few lines...
lookit that hill billy beer belly
straining in that tshirt sweaty and smelly
it's an attraction you all can understand
he's gulping down drinks like ms. pac man (the sad thing is, this line makes a more sense than the donkey kong one cause at least ms pac man is known for gobbling)
this is exactly the kind of song that would be popular in the world of the ayn rand book i was just talking about.
also, i don't hate country music, i don't even really hate pop music, but you combine the two and it's almost always atrocious... and i hate crap, i try not to consume it, i think the average consumer feels like they'd starve without it.
***which is why this was so much longer than explaining a great book