Team Aliens // 2 Drabbles

Oct 09, 2009 01:40

Title:  What Big Eyes You Have
Team:  Aliens
Challenge:  Wolves
Characters/Pairings:  Clark, Jason, Lex with Clark/Lex if you want it that way
Rating:  PG
Warnings:   a little cracky, all dialogue
Summary:  Clark has a delivery to make.

Title:  Five Times that Lex was Prevented from Becoming a Werewolf, and One time He Wasn't (Kind of)
Team:  Aliens
Challenge:  Wolves
Characters/Pairings:  Hold on to your hats!  In order of appearance or mention:  Velkan Valerius, Lex Luthor, Anna Valerius, Xander Harris, Oz Osbourne, Remus Lupin, Professor Dumbledore, Richard Zeeman, Madison (last name unknown), Dean Winchester, Clark Kent - with Lex/Oz (implied), Lex/Remus, Lex/Clark
Rating:  PG
Warnings:  all dialogure
Summary:  The title says it all.
I have lengthy author notes on my site about the fandoms I used for this drabble

Both drabbles are in one post on my LJ

challenge: wolf, character: clark "boy scout" kent, character: jason teague, team: aliens, pairing: clark/lex, character: lex luthor, author: twinsarein

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