Team Aliens // 3 Wolf Drabbles

Oct 08, 2009 00:57

Like twinsarein, posted to my journal. :)

Team: Aliens
Challenge: Wolf

Titles: Satisfaction | The Way of the Wolf | Green-Eyed Wolf
Characters/Pairing: Kyla/Clark | Lionel | Lex/Clark
Rating: PG | PG | G

Drabble 1: Satisfaction
Kyla's pov of "Skinwalker"

Drabble 2: The Way of the Wolf
"It was the way of the wolf to fight for dominance."

Drabble 3: Green-Eyed Wolf
What is that wolf doing in the castle?

challenge: wolf, character: clark "boy scout" kent, team: aliens, character: kyla willowbrook, character: lionel luthor, pairing: kyla/clark, character: lex luthor, pairing: clark/lex, author: tallihensia

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