Team Human // 5 Drabbles

Jan 15, 2009 17:57

Title: You chose her not me (i)
Rating: G
Challenge: Bed.
Team: Human.
Characters/Pairings: Lois, Oliver; Tess/Oliver, Lois/Oliver.
Warnings/Spoilers: Set in Alt!Committed.
Summary: Lois finds out about Oliver and Tess.

Lois folded her arms and closed her eyes, hoping she was somehow able to scrub the mental image from her brain.

“No, I mean, urgh!” Lois glared as Oliver cleared his throat behind her.

“Lois, I can explain.”

Lois rolled her eyes, “Really, you can explain why you were in bed with my boss.”

“Mercy and I, it’s…”

“Mercy? The only kind of mercy she’s aware of is a sale at Harvey Nicks,” Lois threw back disgusted.

“We broke up because that’s what you wanted,” Oliver sighed.

“Yeah and apparently, you wanted her, not me.” Lois said as she left.

Title: Intervention (ii)
Rating: G
Challenge: Bed
Team: Human.
Characters/Pairings: Lois, Chloe, Clark; gen.
Warnings/Spoilers: Set in Alt!Committed.
Summary: Lois is still in bed after the effects of You chose her not me.

Lois hadn’t got out of bed for two days after the Tess/Oliver fiasco, tissues littered the bed and floor around her.

“Okay, this is just scary,” Chloe sighed, “Time for reinforcements.”


“Lois! It’s time for an intervention!” Chloe said confidently.

Lois rolled her eyes, “Sure cuz, tomorrow.”

“No, now.” Chloe waved Clark in, who sighed heavily before he lifted Lois out of bed.

“Smallville! Get your hands…!” Lois shouted as Clark nearly dropped her. Lois stood up and tried to walk back to her bed only to be stopped by Clark.

“We’ve got all day Lois,” Chloe smiled happily.

Title: Untitled.
Rating: G
Challenge: Bed.
Team: Human.
Characters/Pairings: Lana, Clark; gen.
Warnings/Spoilers: Set in Season 8 Legion.
Summary: Lana wakes up in the hospital…again.

Lana blinked as she opened her eyes, trying to clear the cobwebs. Internally she groaned as she realised she was lying in a hospital bed.

“Hey Lana,” Clark said with a deprecating smile.

Lana returned his smile, “Why is always me in one of these things?”

“Super-powered alien remember?” Clark sat at the end of the bed and inspected Lana’s bandage.

“You made a joke being an intergalactic traveller,” Lana teased. “Oh how the times have changed.”

“I’m a funny. Really,” Clark deadpanned.

“Clark, you’ve moved on… and I’m happy for you,” Lana could see it even if Clark couldn’t.

Title: He’s yours.
Rating: G
Challenge: Bed.
Team: Human.
Characters/Pairings: Lois, Lana; implied Clark/Lana, Clark/Lois.
Warnings/Spoilers: Set in Alt!Legion.
Summary: A passing of the torch between Lana and Lois.
Author Notes: The last line of this is not a dig at the Lana character it just means Lois had nothing she could say to that.

“Are you sure we have to talk about this?” Lois asked uncomfortably as she put a file in her desk drawer.

“Lois,” Lana laughed, “I’m pretty sure it’s a rite of passage.”

“Oh no, see you’re wrong because there is no passage because there is no Lois and Clark,” Lois countered as Lana sat down on the spare chair.

“Lois, you slept in Clark’s bed for a year.”

“Not with him in it!” Lois said incredulously.

“All I’m trying to say is… look after him, he needs you.” Lana sighed, “More than he ever needed me.”

Lois could only agree.

Title: A mother’s pride.
Rating: G
Challenge: Bed.
Team: Human.
Characters/Pairings: Martha, Lois; implied Clark/Lois.
Warnings/Spoilers: Set in Season 4.
Summary: Martha wakes Lois up.

Martha loved her son more than anything but she felt a motherly pride when she went into his room and saw Lois sleeping amongst his blankets. Her hair was curled and bedridden against the pillow and her face was slack and childlike. Clark would surely say the only time Lois ever looked innocent was when she was asleep.

“One day, it’s all going to change, Clark is going to realise how wonderful you are and you really will be part of our family.” Martha smiled and gently touched Lois’ shoulder, “Sweetie, time to get up.”

“I’m up, Mom.” Lois mumbled.

character: clark "boy scout" kent, challenge: bed, character: lois lane, pairing: tess/oliver, character: oliver "green arrow" queen, character: lana lang, author: autumnrae89, character: chloe "watchtower" sullivan, team: humans, pairing: lana/clark, character: martha kent, character: tess mercer, pairing: lois/oliver, pairing: lois/clark

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