Team Aliens // 10 drabbles

Jan 15, 2009 02:25

Title: Stars
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe, Oliver
Rating:  G
Warnings/Notes: none

"What are you doing?"

She looked over as the blond man hoisted himself up to join her in the bed of the old truck, Chloe shrugging her shoulders as she returned her gaze to the sky.  "Just looking at the stars," she replied, wrapping her arms around herself, aware of the sounds of the party coming from the big old farmhouse behind her.  "They're beautiful, and it's so peaceful out here."

Oliver cleared his throat.  "You mind if I... stay awhile?" he asked, and she gave him a smile that could only be called beautiful.

"I think I'd like that."

Title: Please
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe, Oliver
Rating:  G
Warnings/Notes: none

He froze at the sight of a dog sleeping in the corner.  In a doggie bed.  He didn't have a dog.  He definitely didn't have a bed for a dog.

"What is going on?" Oliver asked, turning to find Chloe giving him a pleading look.

"He was lost and alone, and... I sort of found him when I snuck into one of Lex's labs today-"

"You what?"

"Lab, later.  Dog, now," she tossed back.  "Can we keep him?  Please?"

He sighed, knowing he should forget about arguing and instead just admit defeat.  He could never say no to her.  Ever.

Title: Moving
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe, the JLA
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: none

The trio looked down at their feet, none of them willing to look at the blonde woman that was standing in front of them, her arms crossed over her chest, her brow arched.  They didn't see her glance over her shoulder at their boss and give the man a smile that was only slightly exasperated.  The group of men had been helping her move to Star City, where she would finally become their Watchtower on a permanent basis.  Unfortunately, there had been a slight mishap with the move.

"How, exactly, did the three of you manage to break my bed?"

Title: Until
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe, Oliver
Rating:  PG
Warnings/Notes: continuation of moving

"Chloe, it's just a bed."  Perhaps not the best thing to say, but it was true.  The truth, however, didn't stop her from giving him an annoyed look.

"It was my bed, Oliver.  And they broke it.  I still don't understand how."

He shrugged his shoulders.  "I'll buy you a new one."

"And between now and the time it gets delivered?  What will I do until then?" she wanted to know, and Oliver shrugged.

"You can sleep in my bed," he informed her, and Chloe sent him a look.

"And where, pray tell, willing you be sleeping?"

He only grinned.

Title: Beginnings
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: none

Chloe loved mornings in Star City.  The apartment was the penthouse of a high rise, and with the curtains pulled back, she could sit in bed and stare out at the city skyline as the sun rose (if she was inclined to get up that early, or, on occasion, go to bed that late), and if she felt the need to get out of bed, she could go to the glass doors to her balcony and step out, watching as the city woke up.  A beautiful city that was becoming a beautiful new beginning for her.  She'd never been happier.

Title: Lonely
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Martha Kent
Rating:  G
Warnings/Notes: post-Reckoning

Martha didn't like to go to bed at night.  For over twenty years, she'd shared her bed with one man.  The only man she'd ever truly loved, the man she'd wanted to spend the rest of her life with.  But the rest of her life was longer than the rest of his, and Jonathan had been taken from her long before she was ready for it to happen.  So she stayed up as late as she possibly could so that when she finally fell into bed, she was exhausted and immediately asleep and didn't have to think about being alone.

Title: Alone
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Lana, mentions Lana/Lex
Rating: PG
Warnings/Notes: season 6

She was going to bed alone.  Again.  He was staying late in Metropolis - some emergency at the office - and he was going to spend the night in the city.  He was in Metropolis while she was alone in the mansion in Smallville.  The massive place she'd come to hate, and she hated it even more late at night and  when the only people there were her and the staff.  A staff that looked at her with distrust and distaste.  The girl that had gotten knocked up and snagged Lex Luthor.

Lana was really starting to hate being married.

Title: Plans
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe, Clark
Rating: G
Warnings/Notes: none

She'd had plans to stay in bed all day.  She'd planned to read, watch movies, and basically do nothing.  Awesome plans.  Epic plans of extreme laziness.  Which is why it came as such a surprise to Chloe that she was standing in the middle of the  woods with a scarf, her heaviest jacket, and as many layers of clothes that she could still move with on, helping Clark Kent figure out the latest Smallville meteor freak.  Sometimes, being the Girl Friday to the town's resident alien superhero totally sucked.

Chloe was pretty sure that this was one of those times.

Title: Tough
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing: Chloe
Rating: PG
Warnings/Notes: high school fic

Chloe wasn't the type of girl to curl up in bed with blankets pulled over her head and cry and wallow all day.  So the night after Clark Kent had disappointed her and broken her heart (again), she didn't bury her head beneath her pillow or hide away from the world.  Instead, she got out of bed, wiped her eyes, and got dressed and ready to face the day.  She didn't let her hurt show on her face (she'd always hidden it well), and she acted as normal as possible.  Chloe was a city girl, and city girls were tough.

Title: Remember
Team: Aliens
Challenge: Bed
Character/Pairing:  Martha
Rating:  G
Warnings/Notes: post-Reckoning

Martha would reach out her arm, expecting to find him, but instead find nothing but a blank space.  That was the way it was these days.  She would sleep and she would dream and he was there with her, but when she woke up, she was in bed alone.  It would take her a moment to remember, a moment to figure out why he wasn't there and where he had gone, and when she remembered... The tears would spring to her eyes, and she would roll onto her stomach and cry into her pillow, her shattered heart breaking once more.

character: clark "boy scout" kent, challenge: bed, team: aliens, author: revivingophelia, character: oliver "green arrow" queen, character: lana lang, character: chloe "watchtower" sullivan, character: martha kent

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