And all things faded, misted, feeble, a grey-white dream.

Feb 06, 2005 21:03

We can change course at any time now.
I can't wait for vacation in a week. I so need to get away from the real world, to sit by a campfire watching the stars, sipping a hot cider toddy, listening to far off drums and being with friends who let me be -just me - with absolutely no responsibilites.
Thank the powers that be that Jake will be here to watch our home and take care of All the cats. All 6. The kittens have escaped the confines of their box and my office. Nothing holds them in anymore for they have become extremely good at climbing and they are determined to explore. They no longer want to be alone, thay want to spend the evenings climbing and Jake and I and settling in for a nap somewhere warm and cozy- usually On one of us.
It's been fun watching them grow, in just a week they went from wobbly fluff balls to racing, pouncing little rascals who just look up at you with that, "how can you resist my cuteness" look in those tiny little eyes as they tip over the basket and spew the contents all over the floor. Kira and Spazz are good parents, though I can tell Kira is stressed because she can't contain them anymore and they aren't listening to her.
Poor Makai.. he hates them all.. this is not His Castle anymore - he has to share and he's not liking it. But for now, he's content to be receiving tons of attention and is using his injuries to command the whole of my bedroom and to be waited on hand and foot.
A week ago, the same pitbull that mauled a stray blind Kira (which is how she came to us), mauled Makai. He wasn't as lucky as she was.. by the time Jake and I raced to the fight, his leg had already been snapped in half and he'd been shaken into a frenzied senseless wildcat. It took us 30 mins to get him chased into the house, Jake's hands had been ripped and punctured from Makai's attack.. and I couldn't even get near the bed without his growling and hissing. It wasn't until the next morning that I could get near him enough to find out what his injuries were.. with a dagger in my heart I called the nearest animal hospital. He was sedated for xrays and an hour later, choices had to be made. He had a broken leg, a bruised heart, liver damage and multiple puncture wounds. The Dr felt sure that they could repair his leg and time and drugs would heal the rest.
He's been my best buddy for 4 years, there was no question. He's doing better, his eyes are clear again and he doesn't cringe when someone walks in the room, but it's going to be 6 more weeks before he walks right again. For now, he limps carefully with one of those exterior pins erector set holding his leg together. My poor buddy. I'll bet he doesn't jump the fence and go out in the front yard again.
We won't go into how much I hate my neighbors and their pitbull.
And work just plain sucks. I'm looking for a new job.
Oh sweet vacation - take me away and work your magic. My spirit needs mending.
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