Suzy’s Adventures #72 - Directions Violet

Oct 27, 2014 16:59

Suzy’s Adventures #72 - Directions Violet

Boy did we have fun with this.

Well, after #71 (Directions Plum - see ) washed out far too quickly… I bought a range of colours. There was even a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it attempt  with trying a Vermillion Red (change from Violet after the stripper didn’t work when I changed brands!), which lasted a few weeks at most, before the turquoise ends took over again! Think I can probably get round that one with another stripper/bleach, and we can discuss this another time.

So, I wanted this to be done for our holiday, ran out of time. Bank holiday couldn’t find all the bits, as the crucial part of the stripper went missing!

Also, after bribing Caroline with half-a-dozen Simmonds teacakes and some pizza, we finally cleared a day, and got on with it.

Well, it worked well. I think.

When I saw the stripper job, I thought “mot again” but the Violet did take hold very well. The plum colour before was what I wanted to emulate, although this is deliberately a shade lighter by my choice.

Hoping, just hoping…. We might get a #73 before the end of the year!

Photos are all after the hair was washed, dried and the rest.

violet, haircrazy, hair

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