I'm still alive!

May 31, 2013 00:05

Minna Sorry....
I almost totally forgot about LiveJournal my friend actually reminded me how I used to write stories and why did I stop?
I can't believe, I haven't written anything in 5 months.
Sorry... however, tomorrow's my last day as a senior in High school well I should say today the clock just hit 12AM

I was so stressed this week however it still hasn't sinked in Today's my last day
I have to come back though for a math final June 4th. I'm going to fail that's a fact! No use trying. Then I have an Art final to finish
June 7 I have Prom
June 11th I have a practice cermoney
and June 14th is my graduation, Can't wait!

Then I have college oh boy!
and I still need to get my driver's licensee

I will try my best to update my stories!

Is anyone I still know on LJ?

school life, suzuki takaki

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