Fate leading into happiness or sadness???? Chapter 11

Dec 12, 2012 23:06

The very next day, Takaki took me out again.
I asked this time for Okonomiyaki We walked to a special place to get it. A place you can sit there while they made it.

Takaki and I sat down and he ordered.

"Okonomiyaki o onegaishimasu" (I would like the Okonomiyaki, please)

"Hai, O-nomimono w" (How about a beverage?)

"What would you like to drink desiree?" Takaki said

"Eto...o-cha" (um...tea)

"satoo wo niko ocha o onegaishimasu" (2 tea's please)



"Hmm?" He looked at me smiling

"So when do you go back to work?"

"Tomorrow" He said
"And I was wondering if I can take out You and Amanda with Jump?"


"You know for you to know us a little better" He said

"Oh, Okay"

We both smiled......and just in time

"Dōzo meshiagatte kudasai." (Please eat.)

"Arigato" I said and the chef smiled at me

As I lifted the food to my mouth the chef and Takaki watched me  (God i hate when people watch me eat)

"Ii desu ka?" (Is it okay?) The chef asked

"...Oishii" I yelled

Takaki smiled "Yokatta" and the chef smiled and walked away

After Takaki just stared at me for a few minuted
"Are you gonna eat?" I asked

"Hmm.." And he started eating

After we finished we went home..Amanda let Haru-chan out and feed her while we were out.
Takaki sat down on the couch while I headed to bed..

"Arigato" I smiled

"Anytime" He said

"I'm back" I smiled

"Hey" Amanda looked mad (uh-oh)

"Hey!" I laughed

"Don't laugh"

"What?" I said still laughing (hehe)

"Why do you get to go out, and for 2 days in a row!" She pouted

"He asked me what would I like to try in Japan"

"So, you didn't have to leave me" She gave me her non-famous pout (F.Y.I never works on me)

"Well, you'll be happy about this"


"He's taking BOTH of us out tommorow, with his friends" I said

"Yay" Amanda smiled jumping up and down

"Sshh, h'll hear you Amanda!"


I woke up uhe next morning with a note on the table

Dear, Desiree and Amanda

Come to the studio at 4pm I'll be waiting in the lobby
     for you. See you then..
                                                          Ja! Takaki Yuya
I put the not back on the table and told Amanda
We feed Haru-chan and ate breakfeast ourselves then decied talk her to the park, its the only place we know where to get to and get back home.

As we were walking kids came up and they kinda knew we couldnt speak Japanese.
Lucky there was a Japanese family who knew English and asked if their kids go play with Haru-chan
I said of course, i don't mind at all.

They played for almost 15minutes until it was time to meet Takaki.
I called Nick, and asked if he could pick us up and dropped us off at the Studio, it was around 2:30

"Sure I'll be right there" Nick said

" I have Haru-chan is that alright?"

"No problem"
"See you then"

At the Sudio Takaki was with his friends

"Can't wait to eat with her" Chinen smiled
"i wonder if she like Arashi"

"Chinen really?" Yamada said


"You two shut up" Hikaru said

"So Takaki does she like it here so far?" Yabu asked

"Hmm..she seems to really love everything so far" Takaki smiled

"Oh here they come" Keito said

fate leading into happiness or sadness??

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