Jun 27, 2005 22:38
So colleen picked me up with JB and Pat....I hafta get this out b/c i feel like shit. I don't know why but boys intimidate me. ALL of them...there are probably 4 boys that i know that are just cool and 2 are my cousins. I met Pat once..he seemed like cool shit but tonight, not so much. I know that colleen is dating him or whatever and I try to be nice but its not happening. Everything i said tonight was followed by a "no youre wrong" or a "I don't think so", by him. Not cool man...if im wrong it would be one thing but to say that when im stating my opinion......and every time, NO. If i wanted to specifically talk to you then i would...if not shut up. I'm sorry thats mean and I'm trying to be supportive of colleens feelings for him but tonight...i dont want to. NOT to mention that Pat drove up to manch in the F150 doing a buck 5 until it "tapped out". whatever dude I'd like to see my 23 birthday. Don't try to impress girls with your driving abilities and try to make up for your small penis. i'm sorry i dont mean it im just upset. I love colleen.....more than a lot of people....more than i should. I don't think ill ever like her hanging out with boys...doesnt seem right. Maybe im being selfish b/c we used to spend basically every second together. But i dont get mad when she hangs out with jb, megan etc...MAYBE i just have PMS...maybe im just stressed about work and such but i thought that tonight was going to go much better than it did. I miss my best friend :(