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Jan 07, 2007 12:20

day 2 of being completely subfree/vegan... check.

yesterday i had grapefruit, gritz with maple sugar, whole wheat pasta, peas, tau taug that i remember catching on a still day in niantic bay with my dad (i fried it in canola oil and cornmeal... all the breadcrumbs in the house has eggs & milk in them), lemon juice & water, and chai with organic cane sugar. dinner last night was a horrible temptation. my dad, of course, went out to highland park market and bought fresh, juicy steaks. i literally had to make dinner AROUND the platter of juicy red meat. but i survived. every craving is a little closer...

i'm finding that being vegan is all about:

1. reading labels.

i'm continually shocked by what is and is not vegan. for example, bread crumbs? not vegan. "Ray's New York Bagels?" vegan. spaghetti sauce? not vegan. nor are the low cal rice cakes my dad bought for his cholesterol. or much else in this house...

2. being hungry.

when i was out driving around yesterday i was starving and passed dunkin donuts, mcdonalds, burger kings, all sorts of place i'd normally satiate a craving. i didn't cave though, but i was still hungry. i have a feeling this is going to happen a lot, so i'm planning on always just eating what i can when i can, and dealing with the rest as it comes.

3. being full without really being satisfied.

for someone who's used to eating literally everything under the sun... especially fatty, salty, disgusting goodness, it's hard to feel really, truly satisfied by most of the stuff i've been eating. i love it, it's delicious, and i am definitely eating until i'm full... but it's not quite the same. it's true i feel better though. i am full without feeling heavy and weighed down, but there's something missing. i think it'll pass though, i'm not too worried. mind over matter.

i checked my weight over christmas break, and i was 211. i checked today, not really expecting much, and i weigh about 207. it's something.

yesterday i took a long bath and then drove to champlion's general store & natural foods in storrs. it's this amazing old general store that's been in business since 1910 and was made into a natural foods store in the 70's but they didn't renovate the place at all. you feel like you're really walking into the turn of the century, and i always half expect to buy chicken feed and bolts of gingham. they have a long, beautiful wood counter with tons of vitamins & stuff on the wall behind, they stock loose grains, herbs, spices, books, frozen food, cosmetics, household products and stuff... everything organic and wonderful. i got a few books on veganism, a good multivitamin, some pasta, raw sunflower seeds, loose tea, and a few other little things. after i left i got out at eagleville lake and walked around taking pictures for awhile because daylight was fading and i just wanted to be out in the "record-shattering" 72 degree weather.

on my way home i stopped in old coventry village at magick intent, next to the bidwell tavern. i'd never been in there before, but this lovely older lady was thrilled with my hair, and then her friend who's an herbalist came in and also freaked out about my hair, and they were very nice and cool and we talked for awhile before i bought a bunch of delicious incense and a silver mermaid necklace that the owner informed me is handcast by a woman in rhode island... ("i'm gonna have to call and order some new mermaids now... i hope she has time..."). it was wonderful. i lose hope in this town and this state sometimes, but then, occasionally it redeems itself, mostly in kind shopkeepers that own their own small businesses and aren't corporate slaves (i.e. rockville hardware, mimi's cafe, kevin's coffee, charlie's, the book rack, magick intent, champlions, the gold and diamond exchange, etc.) and i am grateful. we aren't covered in strip malls yet.

i went to my brother's basketball game last night and then stayed because i was exhausted and didn't want to drive back. if i can get my lazy butt off the couch today i'll drive back this afternoon. julie is going to kill me if i don't, and i REALLY need to spend some quality time with her, so that should be motivation enough.

oh, in random news, while i was making dinner last night, t called. ? i haven't spoken to him since... he ditched the mindless self indulgence concert and then stayed over my house this summer. it was so strange. he spoke more than he has EVER spoken to me in our entire acquaintance combined. he's doing well up at emerson and i'm glad, i'm just... surprised, i suppose. i literally never expected to hear from him ever again. and THEN right before i was going to bed, dean called. DEAN. ahhhh. we talked for 52 minutes (i checked the call timer), mostly about the perennial topic of vernon conversation: friends who have gotten arrested/are in jail. ugh, so strange. that's another one i never expected to hear from again for the rest of my life. ever.
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