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Jan 05, 2007 18:17

I was completely vegan today. And completely sub-free.

This is day 1.

I'm not going to try and fool myself, I'll probably slip on both sometimes, but not if I can help it.

I feel better though. This afternoon Enrique came over to visit, and I told him about wanting to be vegan. He was really excited and really supportive. I told him that I want to eat with him so he can help me make good decisions, especially because I have certain weaknesses at Saga... especially the roast beef French dip type stuff. I'm a sucker for rare, juicy red meat.

Tonight, we went to dinner, and the first thing I saw in Saga was... thin-sliced, bright red, dripping-juice roast beef. I almost caved right there. Enrique saw it too, and he immediately told me to just not look. Having him there meant everything, I immediately snapped out of my meat-induced trance and we went to the back room and made sandwiches. I had lettuce, tomato, onion, and hummus (they were out of sprouts) on wheat bread with dill pickles, french fries, and unsweetened iced tea. It was delicious, and I was immensely thrilled that I didn't pansy out and maintained some self control. Every craving I overcome is another step toward being in control of what I put in my body. I know that sounds like something a classic anorexic would say, but I have no intention of not eating all together, I just plan on eating large amounts of healthy vegan stuff. I talked to Diana, my neighbor today, about it too and she said she'd be more than happy to give me any help and advice I need, which means the world to me. She told me she's no longer a raw vegan because she basically has to buy everything herself, and it's too expensive and impractical here, so she just eats vegan at Saga instead. At least I'm not trying for that level of commitment. We also talked about the practicality of being vegan in general. She's not vegan when she travels, or when she's a guest and it would be extremely rude or awkward. It was kind of a relief to hear that, because I have no desire to NOT try something when I'm abroad just because it has meat or dairy. When in Rome, baby.

So the parameters of my diet right now are as follows:

1. Totally vegan at Hampshire, because it's the easiest place on Earth to be a vegan and I have no excuses
2. Not vegan when traveling, especially in foreign countries
3. Not vegan when a guest at someone's house and they offer me something because they're nice and probably couldn't accomodate veganism
4. I am going to eat meat or dairy that I've either killed or collected (i.e. fish me or my family has caught, mostly), or that I can physically see (like dairy products from Cooks Farm where I can actually see the cows wandering around in the fields down the street) although these are rare and mostly moot exceptions

This is good. I can do this.

I'm going home tonight to get some stuff I forgot, mainly my cell phone charger and the sake set that my mom gave me, which is a little ironic now that I'm trying to not drink anymore. It's pretty though, and I'm going to put it on the shelf above my desk with the lucky cat tea set my dad bought for me in Chinatown.

I'm mostly going home tonight as opposed to some other night, because Julie has to work on some project she's doing tomorrow. She came by with Ashley this afternoon. It was so good to wrap my arms around her and so hard to let her go when they left to go to Freshside, and I went to eat at Saga with the boys & Brit, Brad's girlfriend from Mt. Holyoke (who is practically living with him, and is more awesome every time I hang out with her).

Life is sweet. Now if only the pouring rain outside would turn into snow so I could go to Berkshire East and not feel like they'd set up a couple white, ice-covered Slip'n Slides instead of trails.
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