Where I'm going tomorrow . . .

May 24, 2011 10:55

. . . is the HeadRead Literary Festival in Tallinn, Estonia! I'm superexcited about this as it's my first literary festival as a Guest! Yay! Huge thanks to the HeadRead organisers for the wonderful invitation.

So, I'll be around at the Festival (I'm not sure all of what's planned) but on Saturday 28 May at 12.00 the lovely Sash Uusjärv will be grilling me mercilessly interviewing me about my books, at the Estonian Writers' Union, Harju 1, Estonia. If you're around that way, then please, feel free to come and heckle listen :-D

Another reason I'm over the moon, is I've never been to Tallinn, and it looks an awesome amazing place to visit. The Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn is a UNESCO World Heritage Site*. And this year, Tallin is also the European Capital of Culture! Totally unsuprising when you look at this gorgeous aerial view of the Town Wall and St. Olav's Church. (courtesy of Tallinn City Tourist Office and Convention Bureau © Toomas Volmer)

click to embiggen

The third superexciting part of the Festival is VERE MAGUS LÕHN (a.k.a. The Sweet Scent of Blood) is being published by Varrak! *Mega Happy Dancing* And look at the fabulous cover! Huge thanks and kudos to Varrak and their fantastic Cover Gods!

Now, of course, I'm taking my laptop, after all, I'm still on the Deadline of Doom (TM) for book 4 - The Shifting Price of Prey,
so I need to keep to my daily word count. And I plan* on taking lots of pictures, but I'm not sure what sort of internet availability I'll have, so if I'm even quieter than usual (re: Deadline of Doom) that's the reason!

* Of course, the Tower of London is a UNESCO World Heritage Site too - and coincidentally features in The Bitter Seed of Magic which is available with free worldwide delivery from The Book Depository!  #shamelessbookplug!!! *g*
* I always plan on taking lots of pictures, but it doesn't always work out that way - hopefully this time will be different! *fingers crossed*

x/posted from blog. Comment here or there.

estonia, headread literary festival, the bitter seed of magic, unesco, tallinn, the sweet scent of blood, VERE MAGUS LÕHN

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