Spellcracking Radio! Live!

May 23, 2011 10:50

I've been a bit quiet here, but not so much in other places *g*

I did my first live radio interview last Wednesday, for Southside Broadcasting on Siren, with the fab Alex Lewczuk, and if you're so inclined you can listen to it here. :-D

ETA: Now Fixed! (Though I still haven't listened to more than the first couple of mins - #stillascaredycat )

It's about 15 mins long, and I'm still debating whether to listen to it myself *has palpitations*. I was really nervous, so hopefully I don't sound too much like a doofus, though to be honest, my mind always blanks things like this out (self-protection FTW!). Though, I do vaguely remember talking about who I'd cast as Genny in a movie (clue below!), so maybe I sounded okay . . .

Also the wonderful Gill Appleton along with Southside Broadcasting chose The Cold Kiss of Death as their Book of the Month! Which is all sorts of AWESOME! Huge thanks to Gill, Alex and Southside Broadcasting! You can listen to what Gill and Alex thought about it here.!

(They liked it, even it it was a bit gory in places  *g*) (The podbean is about 30 mins long, and the discussion stops in the middle for a couple of mins adverts, then carries on after.)

southside broadcasting, the cold kiss of death, radio interview, book of the month, alex lewczuk

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