What to read next ...

Jan 30, 2011 20:37

I have just finished reading this wonderful book* - loved. Loved, LOVED it - and now have an embarrassment of book riches to choose from next.

*If you haven't read it yet, go read! Brilliant, fantastic story full of wood-elves, a hot half-fairy, and a heart-warming best friend :-D

But ...

I have a TBR pile dilemma.

These are the books I managed to sneak* out of Gollancz Towers last week when I visited my lovely new editor, Gillian. (makes everyone drool with envy *g*)

*I ♥ my editor! As soon as I arrived she handed me this book, (6 down in the left pile) 'cos she knew I'd love it :-) Then she let me raid her bookcase! Yay!

Plus I have 32! Yes, 32! books on my kindle!

Opps, not sure how that happened ... *one click has a lot to answer for*

Then there's this fantastic book which I've been desperate to read ever since I knew Jon was writing it!

After all, Jon writing vampires in Venice! I know it's going to be freaking fang-tastic!

Big Thanks and {hugs} to Jon Courtenay Grimwood (who finally, after me begging, pleading and badgering him for months kindly sent it me :-D.

Oh, and there's my original TBR pile which totals ... umm, over 20 books at least, I think ... which is somewhere in all of this! Oh, and there's *cough* a few more *cough* arriving soon ... after all, I've got to get these new ones by all my fav authors :-).

But there's one fantastic book I've already read - Green-Eyed Demon by my fab Crit Partner Jaye Wells - and I'm giving it away to one lucky commentator here! So what are you waiting for, go enter :-D

jaye wells, thr pile, archangel's consort, the iron witch, karen mahoney, green-eyed demon, jon courtenay grimwood, nalini singh, the fallen blade

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