From Twitter 01-29-2011

Jan 30, 2011 03:03

  • 11:23:40: 5 of 5 stars to A Brush of Darkness by Allison Pang
  • 11:36:00: @ jon_weir I used to live in Birmingham ... ;p @SamSykesSwears
  • 11:37:06: @ SamSykesSwears Aww, you're not coming to E/C. Will miss seeing you :-( @jon_weir
  • 11:38:31: @ LizUK (hugs) Horrid things - I only just managed to swerve one myself yesterday .. Glad you're feeling better :-)
  • 11:41:39: @ SamSykesSwears Yay! We'll have to organise a night out at some disreputable drinking place :-D @jon_weir @Alex_Bell86
  • 11:48:59: Yay! Look what I got this morning!! *happy sighs*
  • 11:51:05: And ... *jumps up and down in excitement*
  • 11:51:51: @ SamSykesSwears @jon_weir Yay! And I'm sure @Alex_Bell86 will love the bacon beans :-D
  • 11:53:38: @ pattepoilue 'Tis very pretty. & I've been waiting to read it for ages :-D
  • 11:54:43: @ serendipidy101 It is! And with vampires and Venice it's full of all sorts of goodness :-D
  • 11:55:02: @ FionaJMackenzie Look what came this morning!! :-D
  • 11:59:30: @ JonCG_novelist It did arrive! Thank you so much! The cover is fab, can't wait 2 read. (& hope mine is waiting for you, postman willing :-))
  • 12:14:54: @ stephanieburgis It is gorgeous, & it's got a fab map inside too!
  • 12:16:07: @ AilsaCF Ooh, we like creepy *g*. I'm really looking forward to it :-) The cover is fab; the red reflection on the water works great :-D
  • 12:35:34: On page 9 of 432 of The Fallen Blade, by Jon Courtenay Grimwood
  • 12:38:26: @ LizUK Ahh, shame. I'd love to go too, but sadly can't either :-(
  • 12:39:24: @ stephanieburgis It is. I'm having trouble not reading it *must write* (Oh, & prob should get off twitter too LOL! )
  • 12:42:35: @ LizUK Look forward to it! #livesvicariouslythroughLiz :-D
  • 12:48:34: @ LizUK There's Eastercon (or SFXWeekender if you're going) @orbitbooks
  • 12:53:20: @ LizUK Thought you *were* going to Eastercon??
  • 12:58:37: @ LizUK Ahh, I see. Sorry you won't be there though :-( Hopefully see you at the next London based ... whatever :-)
  • 13:02:22: @ LizUK Hopefully you'll be able to combine a holiday/visits too while you're there :-)
  • 13:03:00: @ LizUK Well, if you do, I'll see you both there then! (if not before :-))
  • 13:04:31: RT @FionaJMackenzie: RT @gulliversbks: My 10yr old was given #goodnightmrtom , I read it this wk, fabulous book, she's going to love it ...
  • 13:05:36: Plan: Lunch, walkies with hound, Writing Cave ... #amwriting ... soon :-)
  • 13:43:51: @ LizUK Umm, Suzanne Collins ... I can sign that if you want, but only if I can charge for it ... *g*
  • 13:47:00: @ LizUK Lol! *hands Liz strong coffee* :-)
  • 13:55:05: @ LizUK Of course, I did! I have these mad physic skillzzzz :-D
  • 13:55:40: @ LizUK Oh, and double points if you spot the deliberate misteak ... *g*
  • 14:58:04: RT @QQwill: Reminder: The Qwillery: Guest Blog by Trent Jamieson @ trentonomicon & Giveaway of Death Works novels 1 & 2. ...
  • 15:01:15: If any US kindle peeps find out, will you let me know, plz? Txs :-)
  • 15:01:39: @ QQwill You're welcome! Doing fine, thanks! How about you?
  • 15:04:09: @ pattepoilue I know! It went down in price for a couple of week over xmas, then back up again - but Amazon is strange like that :-)
  • 15:07:04: Oh, & if US kindle ed, isn't free, then The Sweet Scent of Blood p/b is $3.54 right now! A bargain 4 Hot Vamps & dangerous faeries *g*
  • 15:07:54: @ stephenjsweeney Weird! It shows me the price of all the others, even tho' it tells me I can't buy them ... ?
  • 15:09:07: Ahh, have been told US kindle ed, The Sweet Scent of Blood isn't free :-( ... But the p/b is still cheap *g*
  • 15:10:06: @ stephenjsweeney Ahh, found it now. Strange it shows it in one place and not the other. Txs :-)
  • 15:11:20: @ EllieHackney Thanks for checking - obv, doesn't like giving us UK based peeps any info :-D
  • 15:13:32: @ pattepoilue Hugs - Hopefully Genny will end up in French one day *fingers crossed* :-)
  • 15:15:12: Oh, & I'm not checking out my Amazon pages 'cos I'm obsessing over sales rankings or anything ... honest *g*
  • 15:17:36: @ stephanieburgis Yep, was confused too, until now :-) Lol, you'd think they'd tell us authors these things! #needyauthorsneedtoknow
  • 15:18:29: @ stephenjsweeney Yes, I thought that - someone's kindly told me the US price :-) #wonderoftwitter
  • 15:19:32: @ QQwill Wow! Busy day! Hope you have fun :-D
  • 15:25:27: @ adamantine_lady Oh, yes. I may have stumbled across that ... #isnotobsessedisnotobsessed *g*
  • 15:28:12: @ adamantine_lady Maybe we should form a support group ... *twitches with you* *g*
  • 15:31:32: @ stephenjsweeney Now that's just teasing! C'mon, cough up the info, other wise Ming the Merciless will pay u a visit! @adamantine_lady
  • 15:36:42: @ stephenjsweeney Oh, my! *twitches uncontrollably* Sounds like procrastination heaven *g* @adamantine_lady
  • 15:39:09: @ pattepoilue Aww, thanks! xx
  • 15:40:43: Green tea, dead bodies, & the Writing Cave are calling my name ... #amwriting
  • 19:14:04: @ has_bookpushers Oh good, it got there! And Thank You! I very much appreciated your help! HUGS back :-D

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