Mistress of The Stone - Maria Zannini - A book you'll want to vote for!!

Oct 11, 2010 17:45

My writerly pal Maria Zannini (who writes fabulous romances!) is one of the last 10 contestants in the Kensington Brava/RT Writing With the Stars contest (Woot!!). The prize is to have her book - Mistress of The Stone - published, and she needs votes for Best First Paragraph and Last Line over at RT Reviews.

Image courtesy of Photobucket.
This is not the actual cover.

Now, even though I'm biased, I think Maria's first para has such an intriguing heroine that I'd have voted for her even if she wasn't my pal, but in all fairness why not go and read all the entries, and then vote for your favorite.

Go here and VOTE for your favorite excerpt.

Sarah Wendell of Smart Bitches has weighed in and commented on all the excerpts which makes for some interesting reading.

Below is Maria's excerpt, which is the first paragraph and last line of the novel.


Luísa Tavares had a list of sins the length of the Antilles, but there was no time to repent for them now. She spat out the tang in her throat then shimmied down the mainmast of the Coral, her tight leather britches and sharp cutlass a mockery to all that was decent in a woman. Time was running out for the captain of the Coral. And with it, his luck.

Mayhap, his chance had come.

Luísa is obviously one of those wonderful heroines who grabs the reader's, and the hero's, attention and isn't going to let it go until the very last line!! Go here to read more about Mistress of the Stone.

So!! Go read!! Go vote!! You know you want to!! :-)

kensington brava, sarah wendell, smart bitches, mistress of the stone, kensington/rt writing with the stars con, maria zannini, rt reviews

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