'Danke' to the Germans and a fangy short story

Sep 30, 2010 16:45

I'm delighted to announce that Goldmann, my German publishers, have bought and are going to be publishing The Bitter Seed of Magic - Spellcrackers.com #3! I don't know the date yet, but as soon as I do, I'll post an update on my website. A big, big thank you to Goldmann, and to John Jarrold, my agent and the wonderful rights team at Orion/Gollancz for making this happen. *does the German happy dance*.

And now for the short story ...

... and no, it's not one of mine, but a very cool tale from writer Julie Campbell.

Julie's story is called The Vampire Kissed and the Eye and you can read it here in a flash fiction contest on Devin O'Branagan's website. And when you've read it, (and I can tell you, you're gonna want to!!) show Julie and her very cool story some fangy love and VOTE for it too!!

Here's a clue ...

Voting is open through tomorrow, and Julie's just one vote behind right now. So. Go. Read. And. Vote!!

Or, as Julie ( phoenixfirewolf  )says on her LJ, 'you could head over to vampirekissed.com and read the stories posted in the forum and vote for which ever one you think is best. That's fair too :)'

goldmann, julie campbell, short stories, australian sherpherd dogs, devin o'branagan, it's all about me, vampires, flash fiction, the bitter seed of magic, german rights

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