Birthday Book Haul!

Jun 09, 2010 15:03

Sunday was my birthday (many thanks to everyone who sent me Birthday Wishes!). I had a lovely quiet day: a trip to the garden centre to buy some plants (B'day vouchers to spend! Yay!), visits with family and friends, and writing :-) And lucky girl that I am, I had these!

Yay! My family are the best! (they know how to find my Amazon wish list *g*) So big hugs and thanks to them (and the authors) for many future hours of happy reading.

My wonderful hubby gave me lovely flowers, yummy cup cakes (help yourself :-)), my fav chocs, and a very beautiful ring.*

And finally sorry for being absent, and leaving you all with nothing but tomato pic spam, but the writing/edits/re-writes on The Bitter Seed of Magic are eating my brain cells/time like this little guy below eats roads, and I haven't a lot left for much else**. Even my B'day books will have to wait a while.

*Yep, I know, I should've taken a picture of it in RL . . .

**which is a good thing, cos that way the book gets the best of me, and that makes it even better, so it's a win, win situation :-) )

And don't forget you can enter for a chance to win my books, or if you've already got them, you can win one of my fav, autobuy authors' books. Check out my website here!

tbr pile

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