Mysterious Seeds + Tomatos = Pic Spam Blog Post!

May 26, 2010 21:47

My brain is deep in edits of Spellcrackers #3 The Bitter Seed of Magic just now. The first few chapters were tough going as I needed to cut the original couple of chapters and redistribute the plot info/action etc they contained throughout the next few. Which I think now starts the book of in a better place. It also means that my little grey cells are mostly porridge :-)

And really, all of the above is just my excuse for subjecting you to some more tomato pic spam *g*(previous tomato pic spam is here)

The leaves growing in the bag in the pic, were supposed to be salad leaves that we could cut as we needed them. We've grown that type before. Except, hubby bought the packet of seed (by looking at the picture on the front!), and it was only once they started growing that we actually checked what they were. Which turned out to be radish, cabbage, mustard, cress and some other unidentifiable green stuff*, that the packet enthusiastically calls, 'Restaurant Green Garnish'. So, *not* the mixed salad leaves that we expected (and eating radish leaves is not recommended, they're spiky!). So, sadly since this picture was taken, the leaves have gone to the great compost heap in the sky, and the mini lettuce plants growing in the pots have now been transplanted :-)

Anyone else ever bought seeds and then discovered they got something other than they expected?

Oh, and another question, has anyone watched Tim Burton's film about Ed Wood. I'm thinking it looks interesting, so if you have, would you recommend it? Or not? Of course, it's got Johnny Depp in it, *swoons* so it get bonus points to start with *g*.

*Disappointingly neither 'Bitter' nor 'magic' . . . :-)

tomatoes, edits, porridge, ed wood

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