The Naming of The Beasts : Giveaway

Jul 02, 2009 15:00

There's only 14 days, 4 hours 14 mins and 14 seconds - whoo hoo - [as I write this] until The Cold Kiss of Death :: book 2 :: is released. I'm so excited, it feels like I'm waiting for . . . Hallowe'en* which is a very significant date for Genny in The Cold Kiss of Death, although for her, All Hallows' Eve comes much too quickly and brings with it some terrifying and unwanted adversaries. Yep, Genny's life is full of dangerous surprises - like ghosts deciding to haunt her, vampires wanting her to paint the town red, and let's not mention the witches! So she really doesn't have an easy time of it in book 2 [although she didn't exactly have a great time in book 1 either *evil author cackle* LOL!] .

Now onto this week's celebratory giveaway to help get the word out.

 'The Naming of the Beasts' :: Mike Carey [book 5 his Felix Castor series] comes out 2nd September [which isn't a minute too soon for me :-)] Mike Carey is right there at the top with my other favourite authors and I love the Felix Castor books. They have a fantastically different take on ghosts, zombies and were-beings [not to mention demons!] Felix a.k.a. Fix is a freelance exorcist and he is such an interesting character, one who grows and changes with each book as he comes to terms with his own inner demons. Add in really cracking stories, some wonderfully elegant plotting, and prose that begs to be read over and over** . . . Oh, and Fix's occasional partner is my all time favourite kick-ass demon, Juliet [Ajulutsikael] a succubus trying to go straight, or sort of anyway *grin* . . . and so coming to the end of a Felix Castor book makes you desperate to read the next one; or failing that, turn back and start from page 1 again.

Yep, you've guessed it, I'm a total fan-girl, but you don't have to take my word for how great the Felix Castor books are, check out this review of Thicker Than Water at Falcata Times  or this one at My Favourite Books. Then leave a comment here to enter the giveaway to win your choice out of the five Felix Castor books including The Naming of The Beasts*** along with a signed copy of The Cold Kiss of Death or The Sweet Scent of Blood.

BREAKING NEWS - Orbit have generously donated books 1 - 4 of Mike Carey's Felix Castor series for The Naming of The Beasts giveaway so there will now be two lucky winners. First winner chosen by gets their choice of either books 1-4 [Felix Castor] or their choice of one of the five Felix Castor books including The Naming of The Beasts*** along with a signed copy of The Cold Kiss of Death or The Sweet Scent of Blood. Whoo Hoo! Thank you to Orbit for their excellent extra prize!

So what do you have to do to win? - Just leave me a comment telling me your favourite or scariest demon from fiction, TV or film. Contest ends end of day [anywhere] Wednesday 8th July 2009.

1 comment = 1 entry

Follow me = 1 entry [see here for info on the extra' thank you giveaway' for followers]

Please help me spread the word about the release of The Cold Kiss of Death and the giveaways with a mention of the giveaway on your blog/live journal/myspace/facebook/twitter/etc [post the link to the mention into the comments again] and win yourself more entries into this week's giveaway :-) 1 link = 1 entry

Which means you could end up with more entries into the metaphorical hat, so what are you waiting for? Get posting and linking!! Good Luck!!

x/posted to my blog: leave a comment here or there.

Watch Mike Carey read from The Devil you Know

* The Cold Kiss of Death is set around All Hallow's Eve, so forget about the July sunshine, go and buy it now [pleeeease :-)] and give yourself an early Hallowe'en treat!
** Beautiful prose that I wish I'd written *sigh*
*** If you choose The Naming of The Beasts I'll get the book to you asap, but I currently can't guarantee it any earlier than its publication date, so unfortunately it won't arrive until September. My own book will be posted out to the winner straight away :-)

Winners of The Eternal Kiss giveaway are here

giveaway, mike carey

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