Forthcoming Attractions + Kiss Winner!

Jul 02, 2009 09:26

This week's contest is now closed and has drawn the following winners ...

121 Chris

Congratulations Chris! You've won your choice out of The Eternal Kiss & Mean Streets, plus a signed copy of either The Cold Kiss of Death, or The Sweet Scent of Blood. Please send me an email to contest {at} spellcrackers {dot} com with your choices and your snail mail details.

31 - Austenfan

241 Moira

122 Lori-Ann

95 Hagelrat

15 Dragonladych

Congratulations to all the above winners! You've won a copy of The Eternal Kiss or Mean Streets [first person to choose Mean Streets in decending order on the list will receive it, or if no one chooses it, then dragonladych will win it :-)] Please send me an email to contest {at} spellcrackers {dot} com with your choice and your snail mail details.

Thank you to everyone for taking part, there were over 250 entries with links/followers etc which is a fantastic amount and I'm sorry more of you couldn't win. Thank you also to all the authors in The Eternal Kiss who helped get news of the giveaway out into cyber space.

And a big thank you to everyone who has visited the blog/LJ/twitter in the last few days and special thanks to those of you who are now following me. I'm delighted to 'meet' you all, and I'm so enjoying reading everyones' great comments, and for your help in getting the word out about The Cold Kiss of Death. I want to answer all of you individually, but sadly 'real life' has munched big chunks out of my time *sigh* so forgive me as it will take me a while, but for now  . . .

Come on in, pick a comfy seat, have some popcorn and while you're waiting for the main event, let me tell you about my forthcoming attractions ...

*Cue exciting music*
Right now [if you're quick] you could win one of 5 copies of The Eternal Kiss [its got vampires, so what's not to love *g*] plus a signed copy of The Cold Kiss of Death for the first name drawn, or a copy of Mean Streets. This giveaway ends, end of day Wednesday 1st July, anywhere - which by my careful calculations involving the current alignment of the planets and measuring the exact distance to the sun extremely unscientific and arbitrary decision means noon on 2nd July, GMT London time. The winners will be announced today at 3.30 pm [ish :-)] right here, so don't forget to check back.

'BUT WHAT'S NEXT???' shouts a heckler from the back row*
With only 2 [exciting] weeks until The Cold Kiss of Death releases ... the next giveaway - going live later today - is for your choice of a copy of one of Mike Carey's new Felix Castor books including the new one out in September - 'The Naming of the Beasts' . This one runs until 8th July, end of day anywhere.

Then with only 1 last week to go, I'm giving away some of my fav authors** in a brand new cocktail of wonderful stories - Strange Brew! Yay! This one runs from 9th July to end of 15th July, anywhere.

16th July 2009! Release Day for The Cold Kiss of Death and start of a week long vitual launch party with daily winners - for a hint about the prizes go and look at pretty covers displayed on the Fangs, Fur & Fey July releases sidebar!

Now this is where being a follower*** of my blog comes in handy :-)

All followers automatically get one entry into every giveaway, whether they comment or not [comments/links etc will of course get you more entries]. Not only that, but there will be an extra 'thank you for following me' giveaway [again automatic entry - no need for followers of the blog to do anything] on the 16th July. So what are you waiting for, come and follow me :-)

* there's always one, isn't there :-)

** Charlaine Harris, Jim Butcher, Patricia Briggs and more! Can't wait to read this one! [actual authors not included]

*** Not everyone has a blogger ID -

Twitter followers count - but please send me a @Suzanne_McLeod message to let me know you want to be counted in [to weed out the autobot and 'prOn' followers *sigh*]

LJ users who friend me/are friends on LJ, and who comment/have or will comment on any of my giveaway posts will be counted.

Followers on Google reader - leave me a comment to let me know you're following me or send me an email to contest [at] spellcrackers [dot] com.


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