Sep 22, 2007 16:30
sao it's been another crazy week. I went back to crazy teenager years and did 2 Dave Matthews shows in 2 days this week. He's not nearly so crazy as our hair bands Jen, but just the traveling wore me out. Had dinner at my favorite italian restaurant last night. Once a year they do a 7 course dinner with wine at each course. They try out new stuff, and we write comments on each course. It is always fun!
Otherwise, we have a new boss at work, I'm not sure about her yet. My gut says - ewwwww. But we'll see. Chris is in NY for a conference for work til Tuesday night. He didn't go to dave with us, since he needed to get ready for the conference, so haven't seen him since Tuesday of this week. : (.
Things seem to be good there. Still slow, but moving forward. Baby steps
But I almost wrecked my car in the misty rain yesterday, little old man slammed on breaks mid turn onto an onramp. I was behind him and went into a skid. did a complete 360 and ended up in the grassy median facing UP the hill. He didn't even notice. Car is fine, I'm just shaken and a little sore. So I'm making chicken soup. My nana's recipe with fresh mushrooms and homemade broth and fresh spinach, chicken, italian sausage and lots of basil.
Nothing better than that to make you feel better and miss people less. One of those from scratch things that just makes the house smell good.
I think it's time for a nap now though, I've cleaned all morning!