Descending Dove

Dec 21, 2010 09:48

I worked all day yesterday on my book and got slightly frustrated when I could find what I wanted online so I've ordered two books that I think will help. One is a revised addition of John Calvin's "Institutes of Christian Religion"....without the polemic, and the other one is about the Reformation, both of which I think will be very helpful. Until then I am just typing words on paper to get the writing juices flowing....which seem to be slow coming! I'm not super happy with my writing so far, but I promised you......

Today's snippet:

“The Order of the Holy Spirit, it was called,” Vincent said, “The basic design has been around for centuries but there are certain features that are distinctly Huguenot. See this?” He pointed to a small empty space where the smaller Fleur-de-lis connects the larger Lily petals of the Maltese Cross, “This space is in the shape of a heart. It is a symbol of loyalty to John Calvin.”

“And this,” Elita pointed to the descending dove hanging down from the bottom of the pendant, “what does this dove symbolize?”

“Ahhhh,” said Vincent, “that is the Holy Spirit that God has sent down upon each and every one of us. It is God that has blessed each of us, Elita, not just the precious few that pay enough gold to hold a relic in their hand!”

The two travelers sat quietly and watch birds dart in and out of the trees that shaded the banks of the creek. Before long their stomachs were squawking louder than the birds. Elita had been holding both pendants in her hand; she leaned closer to Vincent and put the chain of his pendant back around his neck. He took her pendant from her and returned the favor. Nothing was said, but both understood a promise of friendship had been given and received in turn.

Word count so far: 2,837

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