Descending Dove Dec. 18, 2010

Dec 18, 2010 09:27

Haven't done too much actual writing but did get quite a bit of research done. The two main characters in my book are Vincent and Elita. Vincent's family lives in the British Colonies and Elita's family lives in Eymet France. Both families are Protestants.

A little history....The Edict of Nantes had given the Protestant Reformers in France, (we called them Huguenots), religious freedom and civil rights.

The Edict of Nantes was revoked in 1685....the "last straw" for many Reformers at the time who fled France to safe havens around the world....except for Elita's ancestor who invoked the power of God to give his newly born son, and the generations to come, a special blessing protecting his family from any persecution. Elita's father still remembers his Grandfathers passion as he told of how often The Blessing had protected them. Elita's mother thinks the blessing is a bunch of malarkey and says that it is rather a curse that has kept them in a place where she lives in constant fear.

Here is a snippet:

Elita did not even have to glance at her father; she knew that he would not mention a word about her getting lost in the crowd. They both knew her safety had been his responsibility as well as hers. What he did do was go over to his wife’s side, “Hush, Marie, and sit down, we do not need to draw any attention to ourselves.” She sat immediately and cut her eyes from left to right scanning the faces in the restaurant. She scowled at her husband and noticed that his hands were trembling.

“What had happened?” she thought, “Had Elita been in some kind of danger?” Her face clouded over in anger, “Weren’t they were all in danger?” Her thoughts tumbled over each other like storm clouds gathering to attack the wind. She lived in fear every day. She wondered how many more people were going to disappear before her husband would come to his senses? She glanced at Everard and his eyes met hers. “Oh, yes, my dear husband,” she thought, “we will be discussing this later!”

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