A Dream

Apr 11, 2010 20:38

I had a dream during my nap today, and it was quite a medley of different topics. The first part of my dream involved this little brat. Nobody liked him because he acted really rotten, but one of my Christian friends Jeff Kuo was saying that we should still treat him nice because Jesus loved all people, so we should love all people. However, we soon found out that he wasn't even that bad yet, because in the next part of my dream he would transform into some giant horrific monster that hurt a lot of people when he was in the sunlight. We ran around struggling to keep him restrained and out of the sunlight, but not all that successfully. There was one scene where he got into an accident with a train and a lot of people burned, so I guess we weren't all that successful. Ok, then later in this story, we were in a classroom, and a lot of new people came, 10-15. So many that I couldn't keep track of all of them. I suppose this first scene was the most meaningful part of my dream, and I guess the moral of that story was that when Jesus was on this earth, he went to all the unpopular figures of the time, the poor, the prostitutes, the tax collectors, and the lepers. And he calls us to do the same today, but we aren't too successful.
Then there was a random part where we were in some turn-based RPG. It looked very different than the previous part but it was definitely connected with this previous part about this brat-monster that we had to love. We had 10 turns to complete a scenario but it was already turn 10 and we weren't close. I don't have any idea what the significance of this story is.
Ok, in a different part I was reminded to do something specifically for Contact Team, and that was to get other people involved, 1 contact team member paired with 1 non-contact team member, to deliver Care Packages and other things. I can't remember what other things were though.
The next part we were off doing some adventure, and making an adventurous trek through a mountainous region. Things were pretty hard. I don't remember a lot of this dream anymore, except my friends Rob and Amy Kan had a deep heart-to-heart about how their spiritual lives were doing. It encouraged me to pursue my spiritual life more and to do a better job of staying involved in the lives of my friends. There are a lot of people that I haven't kept in touch with. Also, with my friends in college, it was a reminder to have deeper conversations more often.
The ending was anti-climatic because we were never got to the end of the trail and we never solved the brat-monster's problems. I'm not sure whether that has any meaning - I wonder whether it has to do with perseverance. Keep trying, even when it's difficult. Well, I'm making some decisions right now with grad school. I originally applied for a Ph.D., but I felt that God had been closing all the doors. So I thought I'd just stop at a MS- it's easier, there are really good doors open for that, I'd have a job sooner, and that'd be good too because it's easier to donate when you have a job. But well, it's like the situation in the dream - it's a tough time and it doesn't look certain that we'll be able to pull through. But I felt that the right thing to do in the dream was to continue on...
Anyway, the last thing I remember is my friend Calvin saying that he was disappointed by the ending, that it was anti-climatic. haha. Which kinda summarizes the whole thing.

Nonetheless, I feel like I learned a lot of good lessons from it.
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