Feb 27, 2006 18:13
It was nice and rainy today. I drove along listening to the radio change stations by itself because of the weather. It was kinda funny, one moment you'd hear something like talk radio, then some older music, then rap... It was somewhat of a hectic day. I tutored Samir in the morning, going over the MBCS (it's really amazing the wide range. Some people, comsci is so natural and... well... Duh-ish. Others... it's sooooooooo hard and nothing makes sense. WEll during English I did the Physics hw, that circuit stuff WOULD be fun if i wasn't rushing to ifnish it the period before. Physics was interesting, fun with non-simple circuits and circuit-boards while i finished my Calc hw. Lunch was busy with magic club. Matt and I played, interesting match-up. Matt's got a real powerhouse deck, with his insane Izzet stuff... he said my deck was the one he dreaded the most. Oddly enough, mine was so desperately put together out of so many failed colors. You can never go wrong with some big fatties. =D Streetbreaker Wurm won the 3 games I played against Jonathon, Sanguine Praetor wiped Matt's board of stupid Fangtails and Steamcore Weirds... swung for 9 with Wildsize, which allowed the Church to clinch the game as Matt. 9 damage... so good, he was just about to finish off my board too.
Math test was pretty good. I got a 93 on it, not bad considering I didn't even realize we had a math test until 1:00 AM. Physics test, Gov test, Stat test, they've been pretty good to me lately, even though I either haven't known what I was doing, didn't study, or both. I mean 60/60 physics, I was trying to figure out what the difference between an E-field and potential difference was on the test?!?!?!
Mmm yeah the Odyssey's pretty nice. I never cared for leather that much, I feel like I would slide off the seat if i didn't have my seat belt on... but the power's pretty good. At least a LOT better than the Previa. Honestly I liked that car a lot... too bad to see it go. I just wish I could have a Previa with an Odyssey engine lol.
yeah. gotta get to work this week... didn't do much of it over the weekend. but the seniro hang-out was fun, so that's okay.