Feb 24, 2007 22:54
Cosplayed today!
I was Molly (from Runaways). And I knew people wouldn't likely know who I was. Still, two people recognized me. One, was a fellow fan. He was dressed as Jamie (yes...THAT Jamie - from X-factor). I was like, "Jamie!" He was like, "Molly!" We took fellow mutant pictures. It was cool. (He went with a girl dressed as Dark Phoenix - and boy did she kick ass in her costume!!!) Sadly though, nobody knew who he was but me. We had a moment.
The second person...was friggin Brian Vaughn!!!
He was beaming. "Molly!" And I was all *SQUEE*!! So, he drew me a picture of Alex - who is sad that he is dead. And everybody on line was looking on wondering why the hell he was drawing for me. I just smiled and was happy.
In retrospect...I probably should have asked him to take a pic with me. But, the fact that he recognized me was enough. *sigh*
Today continued to be eventful. As we went and sat in for Q&A with Kevin Smith. Once in a lifetime experience. Lemme tell you.
We'd planned to go all VIP style to the Anime Awards, but ended up going out to dinner and then going home.
Pics will come later.
Pics of me you ask?
Why yes.
Yes there will be.
For the first time ever.