That's all for Term 1

Mar 10, 2012 22:23

Hmmm... Term 1 is over, what interesting school happenings were there? Well, nothing much actually. Nonetheless, I would still like to put these down in record.

K1 Girl
- The Private Girl
Just got to realize that my Girl is a rather "private" person, whom do not share much about self to others. As the Girl is attending external piano lessons, which started off using the same book as her kindy, she had gotten some fancy stickers from her external piano teacher on her music book. When her classmates saw the stickers, they asked her about them. And her respond was just a shrug of her shoulders because she didn't what them to know.

- Contentment
I had always thought that my Girl is one who would like to match up with others, but apparently I was wrong. During lunch one day.

Girl : All my classmates' books are new.
Me  : Oh, you are the only one using Gor Gor's old books? Do you mind?
Girl : No. I like to use old book.
Me  : Huh? Why?
Girl : Everyone's books are so new and white, only mine is old and dirty. So, very easy to find my book. Just one look and I know which one is mine. Very good!

Ha... glad that the Girl see the situation as such and wasn't feeling bad for recycling books.

P1 Boy
- Late for school
The Boy is a slow coach. He had been taking me for granted in getting him in time for school. In the first 3 weeks of term 1, I had been reminding him to watch his time and telling him that lunch is ready. One day, I had enough of all this reminders and I zipped up. True enough, he didn't realized that lunch was ready and continued with his stuffs. He only decided to come check in the kitchen about 10min before our usual set off time. With only 10min, it was not possible for him, a slow coach, to finish eating lunch, change into his uniform, put on his shoes. And so, we left home 10min later that usual.

In the car, I asked.

Me  : Do you know that, now that we leave the house later than usual, we'll reach your school later than usual. And so, I'll be late in fetching Meimei.
Boy : I know.
Me  : Ok. Since I'll be late in fetching Meimei, her teachers will have to look after her while tending to the afternoon class students. Right?
Boy : Right.
Me  : So, do you think it is fair for her teachers to put in extra work looking after one more student, just because you didn't watch your time?
Boy : Not fair.
Me  : Good. Since you agree that it's not fair, then we'll go fetch Meimei first before I send you to school. You didn't watch your time, so it's only right that you are late for school. Rather than make others do more work, because of your misdoing.

So, on this day, I had purposely made the Boy late for school. Though he could have been on time, despite us leaving 10min later than usual. And from the next day onwards, the Boy had been very watchful of his time and super fast in getting himself ready for school.

Phew... count myself lucky that this works perfectly! =)

- Volunteered monitor
Yes, surprise surprise surprise. My Boy actually volunteered himself to be the class monitor! My jaw dropped when I got to know that. Apparently, his teacher had chosen someone else to be the monitor. But after a few days, the teacher realized that that boy was not suitable as he talked too much and she pointed that out to the class. With that, my dear Boy unabashedly volunteered himself.

My first question to him was, "What made you think you are suitable to be the class monitor?" And he replied, "Because I always had to tell the him (the previous monitor) to keep quiet."

kids' stuffs, school

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