Prelude to a new phase in life

Oct 19, 2011 21:33

Some time back, I lamented about how difficult it seems to be to get the Boy into a desired primary school. Well, not that I hanker for "branded stuffs" but I believe in schools that are built on strong, fundamental guidelines (be it based on religious teachings or cultural convictions). After all, in this fast changing world, we need a strong beacon to guide us safely around and to keep us grounded.

So... for the past few years, we had thought that a particular school managed by a particular clan that is near our kids' kindergarten is going to be The One. Especially since this is the only clan that we can register to be a member due to our common ancestral roots, and place ourselves in a favorable position for this school when it's time for Primary One (P1) Registration. Yep, we are in a favorable position, NOT guaranteed position.

Well, that school had been The One in our mind for years, until the beginning of this year when our kids' started on a weekly Dharma (teachings of the Buddha) class. Through the class, we got to know a Venerable who is able and willing to write a recommendation letter for us, which will in turn, MAY put us in another favorable position for a school managed by a religious organization, which is also not too far from their kindergarten. Note that I said MAY, because despite a recommendation letter from the Venerable, it is still up to the organization's discretion to decide whether we can be in their priority list or not.

And so, months of uncertainty followed after we submitted the Venerable's letter, until 2 weeks before P1 registration opens for the "privileged" ones (grassroot leaders, parent volunteers for school, affiliation to clan/religious organizations). YES! We were given the go ahead to register 1 phase before all other locals and permanent residents.

We felt really relieved when we got the news. At the same time, we can't help but to once again think of how lucky the Boy is... to be given timely opportunities again and again. I am, quietly hoping that he ain't using up his quota of good lucks too fast and that he had accumulated lots of good karma in his previous lives to last a long, long time. Of course, I hope he will continue to be such a gentle fellow and further accumulate good karma.

Waiting for his primary school uniforms.

Library in his primary school-to-be.
On this day, 19 Oct, we went to his primary school to settle some administrative matters and to purchase his uniforms & books. Of course, we took the opportunity to wander around the school premise on our own. The Boy was very happy and excited about his "new" school.

Amusingly, the Boy had assumed that this school will provide only vegetarian food. When he heard me wondering aloud about whether the school has vegetarian food stall or not, he was surprised and asked "You mean this school sells food with meat too?" And so, we checked out the canteen and found that there is a vegetarian food stall.

Vegetarian stall's menu.
At a corner of the canteen, sits a dilapidated piano. The sight of that piano reminded me of my secondary school days, where there also was a dilapidated piano somewhere in the school (I think canteen too) for all to play with. Despite the terrible condition the piano was in, those music geniuses in my school never fails to make beautiful music out of it.

As we wandered around, we saw the CCA wall where there is a photo listing of all the CCAs available in the school. Looking through the listing together, I asked the Boy which CCA would he like to join. "I think I will like the Science Club," he said.

Well, well... in a couple of months' time, the Boy is going to start on a new phase in his life. I wish him well and strong to face whatever that comes in his way.

maha bodhi

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