Jun 18, 2004 11:07
I made it to San Francisco! Despite a few minor malfunctions in my plotted course I got to SF to see Kathleen and her Beautiful Beauty! I got kind of freaked out when the shuttle guy didn't show up on time to take me to the airport, it turns out he went to Grossmont High School instead of Grossmont College, and then my plane got delayed, and while I was waiting an asian woman tipped over her baggage onto my face while i was leaning down talking to my mom on the phone.
But i finally made it at 5 o'clock and it was certainly all worth it. I forgot just how amazingly blue Kathleen's eyes are. She blows me away, so i ran up and hugged her and kissed just like in at the end of some cheesy chick flick starring meg ryan. Except that Kathleen is way hotter than meg ryan, if i do say so myself. And Me and Kathleen, and her mom listened to Joni Mitchell, the Beach Boys, and Coldplay on the way back. A little bit of any of those bands goes a long way.
Then i gave Kathleen the silver ring with a turquoise heart i got her at the Del mar Fair and one of those New York Times best-seller chick books. The book was about a mexican though, i had no idea. Then there was the long anticipated snuggle/nap which was everything i hoped it could be. She smells so good and is so warm and i love her...
But then there was some whining and unpleasantness about what to wear to dinner which was eventually resolved and we headed out to Park Chow for our 5 month anniversary dinner. On the way there this guy turns around while we were waiting to cross the street and says, "The fuck is this?!" and then berated my "made in ireland" shirt and said that the mexican boys and the irish boys are boxers. So i laughed and then we walked faster. San Francisco is great but full of crazy weirdos that occasionally scare the living shit out of me.
Park Chow was packed when we got there so i put our names down and then smoked outside while Kathleen made fun of me. Eventaully we got seats near like 15 babies and Kathleen oooed and awwwed at them all and was very concerned for one that was on oxygen. We traded food and traded back until Kathleen was satisfied and then left. As we exited some guy that kinda looked like me checked Kathleen out, but I stared him down as he walked away. I think I showed him who's boss.
We walked down the street to Tart to Tart to get dessert and it reminded me of the end of As Good as it Gets so i avoided the cracks on the sidewalk. When we got there we shared a muffin and Kathleen immortalized our undying love in the bathroom stall. It was an enchanting little anniversary. Anniversaries are always better in San Francisco. I'd say it triples the romanticness, and increases fun two-fold. But my Kathleen love-meter is always at maximum. Thanks for flying me here sweetie! I love you super much!!
And I still have all weekend to spend here!1 This is me in ridiculously happy mode. If it shocks or annoys annyone then you'll just have to wait until i leave San Francisco and Kathleen for me to return to normal. Good Day! I say Good Day!