Apr 08, 2005 14:46
Turkey Hunting....
I've decided that turkey hunting is more fun than Hog hunting because even if you never see a turkey you at least hear them and get your hopes enough to think that you at least have a chance at killing one of the beasts. I went pig hunting at least 10 times so far this year and all I've seen was scat and possible fresh tracks. I've went Turkey hunting about five times so far and each time I've heard turkey gobble at me with the exception of the second time where I don't think they have a high polulation of turkeys. I feel confident that I'lkl be able to bag a turkey this weekend if I just try enough.
Kid Beats Me At Unreal Tournament...
I thought that it would take Jake at least six months to beat me at a computer game. I was a little wrong. Within a month or even less I found myself on the losing end of his guns. Granted we were playing last man standing and he spent most of the game hiding while I was busy killing all the bots but when the bots were gone I was going for him strong and he still managed to eke out the last two victories..
Jen Proposed To...
Jen had to go to mediation yesterday and I wanted to make sure her ex knew what he was missing so insstead of the great romantic proposal that I was planning on I just slipped the ring on her finger and told her we had to love each other forever now. I mean we already knew I was getting her the ring so I couldn't see a point on waiting to give it to her. Ok, so I was too excited just to hold on to it. My bad.
Little Arguments No Obstacle For True Love...
Jen qand I have been arguing a bit lately but the resolutions have been pretty quick and with no hard feelings on either side. In fact I don't remember what most of them were about. I know last night we slept in seperate beds but I was kind of glad to get the better sleep. I remeber what last nights argument was about now. I asked her if her nights off were going to continue to be sporadic or was she taking set days off. She said she was taking Tuesdays and Wednesdays off and I asked her to take at least one weekend day off. She got all pissed because she thought I was trying to control her and I got pissed because she dared to be pissed at me when I was just asking her something. Silly, I know, but we got over it.
Poison Oak Under Control...
I was tramping around all throughout poison oak for the last week and even though I made every effort to avoid it I wasn't in the least bit surprised when patches of it started to show up. Thankfully I caught it early and started using this stuff that Jessica bought me the last time I got it and it hasn't spread much and hasn't been nearly as severe as it was the last time.
How To School Jake...
Jake was late to school twice this last week and missed today entirely. I don't like this but Jen is his mother and responsible for Jake so I don't want to interfere. Jake says he doesn't like to be late all the time but he also says he would like to be home schooled. Our upstairs neighbor is a teacher and says Jake is doing fine for his grade level despite his teacher complaining about him not sounding words out and his bad handwriting. I'd like for Jake to do the homeschooling thing but I know that Jen and I both work 40 hours a week and would have little time to devote to teaching him.