I got asked a fair while ago "Would you really cut off your own arm and replace it with a metal one?"
Well the simple answer "Yes." If there was a mechanical replacement with better usability than my current arm then yes I certainly would. My existing arm has about 75% nerve function, almost no strength, looks skinny and awkward, is covered in scars, is barely functional and due to the damaged nerves has caused me constant pain for going on 12 years now.
Any reasons to keep that over a mechanical replacement that works properly and doesn't hurt? "It's not a real part of you!" So? It Works. "People would be weirded out seeing a metal arm!" So? It Works, I'd rather have one that looks a little odd and actually functions than have one that doesn't work and looks odd anyway...
And it looks like we're getting closer and closer....
An Austrian man has voluntarily had his hand amputated so he can be fitted with a bionic limb.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-13273348Brachial Plexus Lesion? That's exactly what I have, think I need to email this prof ;)
DARPA's Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arm Could Be on the Market in Four Years
http://www.fastcompany.com/1725799/darpas-mind-controlled-prosthetic-arm-could-be-on-the-market-in-four-yearsNow, strap one of these babies on and lets go! :D
Gimme a few years, I'll save up, fly to America/Germany and we can replace the useless flesh!