I redid Raylie's lips...again, and for the last time, I hope.
I wasn't really happy with the way they looked before, I could see that the paint was uneven in some spots and it bothered me so much! So on Thursday I sanded off her lips, and this morning I painted them again. It took me all morning because I kept washing it off, and couldn't get them to look right, but I think I'm finally happy with them. Now when I look at her, I can go "Oohh, pretty!" instead of "Argh, it looks awful" :D
And Cassie got an eyebrow piercing!
Ok, not really because I'm way to scared to pierce any of my dolls. Yes, I'm a coward ^^; They are just a couple of sticker skin gems I found at Claire's. I always wanted her to have an eyebrow piercing, so she'll have these for a while, or until I find nice small beads to glue on. I want to get an eyebrow piercing, but since I can't I'll just let my doll have it :P