You'd think after I spent six years volunteering/employed at This is the Place Heritage Park that I'd be prepared. I mean, I went as historically accurate as possible--4-5 petticoats, all the additional underclothing, 20 yards of fabric in my dress (that's also lined with another 20 yards), apron, hat, gloves...the works. It was hot. It was summer dry heat Utah. Sometimes the outside temperature was 110. I know what hot is.
And then there's the five years that I've taught here at my school. There's no air conditioning. I've had fans going constantly.
Last August I wrote about how it was over 100 degrees outside, but we had to close all the windows because of the fire on the hill. I know what hot is.
Or so I thought.
It was only 90 degrees yesterday. Today it's supposed to be 87 degrees.
I think I'm dying. I've had 64 ounces of water already. (Doctor recommends that I have at least double that every day.)
It's REALLY hot!
Edited to Add: It just started raining. :) It feels like the temperature dropped 20 degrees. It's now at least bearable in my classroom.