Oct 01, 2008 09:34


Attendance.  Of our special ed kids.  Are you serious?  Really?

Come on!  We have a 90% pass rate in math.  AND in English.  (Science isn't bad with 78%.)  Even with the knuckle-heads from last year.  Our school's Math, English, and Science scores are the HIGHEST* of all the middle schools in the district.  That's 17 freaking middle schools.  And we're the highest!  Surely that should count for, well, EVERYTHING!

But no.  Because we're low on attendance, we fail AYP.

You SUX!!!!

*ETA:  Okay.  Now that we've done a little more research, that statement is a slight exaggeration.   We're 2nd in math, 3rd in English, and 6th in Science.  And apparently we have the worst attendance...thus, the problem of passing AYP.  But this is our first time not passing.  I think we'll get over it.

nclb, school

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