May 18, 2009 08:29
oi i'm tireds. art a whirl was fun but exhausting.
i "injured" my foot somehow a couple of weeks ago (i have no idea. foot was on a plane, then got off a plane and all of sudden it hurt to step on it?).
it was just an annoying pain whenever i walked....but after this weekend i really fucked it up. ugh. 8 hours of standing all day friday + walking around art a whirl that evening, plus another 4 hours of walking on saturday, plus walking around ikea on sunday....i definitely irritated whatever is going on.
my mom thinks it's planter fasciitis. i'm going to buy some heel inserts today and try some various leg stretches.
plus i didn't get to the full extent of spring cleaning i had hoped to achieve. ah well. i saw lots of arts.