K so. It's public now ..

Aug 27, 2005 16:08

Yesterday was the football game. I was like totally not ready until 6:30 && I called Ari to see if she was going && she was, so I like got ready in 5 minutes && my mom drove me up to Central && I met up with Ari && Holly, then we found Kelsey, Alyssa, Melanie, Debra && Maggie.. We were just walking around && stuff.. Then I seen Nate && he stopped me && told me that Ariel called him wanting to talk to me, so I called her back on his phone, but of course, she was on the other line with Randall. Well I guess he wanted to know if she has talked to me lately? But I haven't talked to Ariel lately && so I told her to tell Randall I was on the other line && to call Nate's cell if he wanted to talk to me. But he never called after I waited for 5 minutes, so I called Ariel back && I was like Uhm why hasn't he called? && I guess she didn't know, so I told her to call him back && call Holly's cell phone to talk to me, but he didn't. So Ariel called Holly's cell back && talked to me saying that Randall said to call him, so I did. I only talked to him for about 5 minutes because *he couldn't hear me* so I told him to call Holly's cell back later that night, or if I wasn't with her, to call my house. Neither. Meanwhile, the whole thing with *Holly && Remy* was brought up, && me && Ari were going to call Remy && tell him to meet us at Little Caeser's after the game, but he wasn't answering his house phone, so I called Dan's house && talked to him, asking where Remy was.. && he told me that Randall was trying to get a hold of me ((Because I guess he called my house like 50 times yesterday but couldn't get a hold of me, but that's because my house phone was like seriously screwed up, it didn't have a dial tone && when someone tried to call, it didn't even ring)) So, I told Dan that && I also told him that Randall doesn't just call Ariel to see where I'm at or if she's talked to me lately, that he calls her just to say Whatsup && talk. && I told Dan that that was making me a little mad, && I also told him NOT to tell Ariel OR Randall I said that, but of course he did. They tell each other EVERYTHING. But anyways, we couldn't get ahold of Remy, so me, Ari, Holly, && Danielle walked with Nate to Remy's house, got him, && I don't know.. They like took off running or something trying to lose us, && here we are chasing them all over the place, so we were just like okay forget it, so we just went to LC && got some pizza && bread sticks =] && sat down at this table across the street, && this was like at 10.. Well the bread sticks weren't as good as we liked them to be, so since Dan wasn't feeling soo well, it was my idea to take them to Dan ((He lives downtown && very close to everything to walk to)) So we get there && he comes to the door && I'm just like Hey Dan, I'm sorry you're not feeling well, so I bought you some breadsticks! && Of course he was on the phone with Ariel && Dan was like But I'm not hungry.. && I'm like I BOUGHT THEM FOR YOU. EAT THEM. =D lOl && so he took the breadsticks && put them on the table && handed me the phone to talk to Ariel, && since Dan told her that I was mad at the fact Randall call(s) her && not me, she was like mad or something, I don't know, but she wasn't talking to me && it didn't sound like she wanted to.. && the fact that I was at Dan's house (with other girls) && she wasn't, she was a little mad too.. Heh. But anyways, got home && relaxed.. Had fun last night =]
**Today I went to Birch Run && went shopping.. Got a few things =] I'm happy, && my dad still needs to take me out shopping so I'm getting more clothes for school anyways.. But yeah. && now I'm home.. Tonight is MITP && I think I'm going to Ari's house && going with her.. FUN FUN! **Too bad Randall is in Traverse City && won't be back until tomorrow =[ I miss him
Later kids x3
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